The meeting

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From a young age I had been Taught by my Grandfather never to trust a Fae. Because they were nothing but Tricksters and Manipulators. Their one goal was to Trap you and never let you go. I ofcourse didn't believe him. In my original world Fae were nothing but fake stories used to scare Teach kids to behave. And by the time I was old enough for it to matter. I had forgotten his Teachings.

So when I would catch a strange Glance of Green lights in the middle of my Mid-night water runs to the Kitchen I didn't think anything of it. I just thought they were Fire Flies. Sure there were many strange creatures in this world but a True Fae was something I had only heard in story books.

Then one night when I couldn't sleep, my friend Grim had been talking in his sleep to loud. I walked down the stairs wincing as my Muscles ached from playing with Grim to much. pulling the thin Blanket around my shoulders I decided to walk outside into the crisp Fall air. It had gotten cold as of late now that it was Nearing the end of fall instead of the Beginning when I first came to this world. Taking a breath I walked down the steps and onto the Path to the Gate. Hopping maybe the cool night air would help me to calm my Busy mind.

It was when I saw the Lights that I turned hopping to get a better look at the Fire flies only to see a Bright Green vested chest. Looking up I saw dark hair and Pale skin. I backed up slightly to get a better look at the angled face which was now peering down at me.

'Well, This is a surprise. A child of man, are you?" He asked crossing his arms. I blinked confused. I had never seen someone this tall before. Never the less someone with Horns on his head. He seemed just as confused as I was though.

'Do you live here? I was under the impression that this Dorm had been abandoned for some time. I quite enjoyed having a place where I could go to enjoy some peace of solitude" I blinked and then finally I got it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm the new Dorm Prefect. I staying here until I can get home... Who are you?" I asked. Though I knew it was a bit rude not to give your name first. This however seemed to surprise him out of his kind of cute pout. I had never seen such an Intimidating person Pout before, nor looked so surprised before he smiled warmly down at me.

'Who am I...? You really don't know who I am? Interesting. May I have your Name?" I got a small flash back from my Grandfather saying something about names but it fades almost as soon as it fame. I had thought it wasn't important at the time so stated.

"I'm Yuu" With a Bright smile. He chuckled and nodded

"Yuu... an Unusual name, to be sure. I, Never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware. it's for your own benefit, I assure you. Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing' He smirked down at me.

"Although you may one day regret it..." I blinked and giggled up at him.

"I'm afraid it is you who will Probably regret it, hehe I'm terrible with Naming" I joked. He smiled warmly.

"Well then I can look Forward to learning what you come up with." I smiled up at him. He then sighed.

"if you have taken up residence here, Then this abandoned dorm is no longer "Abandoned" Pity... I shale have to find some other Ruins for my next Nocturnal constitutional." he said actually looking upset at the thought of having to find a new place for his walks.

'If you still want to, your welcome to continue coming to the Dorm, I'm up around this time alot anyway... so Tea is normally already warmed if your ever want some" I said. He was interesting and I rather liked his attitude. He looked surprised and narrowed his eyes ever so slight.

"Are you... Inviting me into your Dwelling, Child of man?" I blinked I hadn't hurt of a home being called a "Dwelling" Sense my Medieval fantasy Novel Addiction in Middle school. ah so many Dragon and knight books. so many good memories.

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