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                                                                             Third/Malleus Pov

Malleus wasn't sure when it happened. This Obsession with the Child of man. Perhaps it had been that night they first left them Tea. Perhaps it was when they finally learned who they were and yet showed it changed nothing for them. No in Fact it had been the Very first night Malleus meet this Human child out in the cold, As they ran into his chest. 

They were so small, Almost Lilia's height and even then it was very Obvious that Lilia was still slightly taller. They had look up at him with Large Doe like eyes, Surprised but there was no Fear in those eyes. That sweet Naïve look, was so refreshing from the normal Nervous looks of Fear he got on a daily Basis. 

"Well, This is a surprise. A child of man, are you?" He said indulging in the urge to Tease this small weak little human. Crossing his arms and raising an eye brow as they took him in with Owlish eyes. As if they had never seen something quite line him before. Though to be fair to this little thing, They probably hadn't. No one had a until he agreed to come to this College. And even then it was still a look of Surprise and Fear every time he walked the Halls during the day. It was one of the reasons he Preferred the night. After another Moment where Malleus was sure that this Little Human wouldn't answer he Attempted to Prompt them again.

"Do you live here? I was under the impression that this Dorm had been abandoned for some time. I quite enjoyed having a place where I could go to enjoy some peace of solitude" He Pouted slightly. He was not lieing after all, Fae could not lie. He was a tad upset to lose one of the few places he could Hide from his Retainers. This seemed to finally Snap this Child of man out of their Stumper and quite a Treat it was to finally hear their Sweet sounding Voice. Like a sudden Warm wind on a Cool winter day. Unexpected but welcoming.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I'm the new Dorm Prefect. I staying here until I can get home... Who are you?" They asked. And didn't that just Stump Malleus for just a moment. Just enough for the look of Surprise to flash on their face before quickly leaving and Bringing a Smile to his face. Was this Child of man attempting to Jest he thought? However at the look of Confusion on this little one's face showed that they were Indeed not joking. They truly had no Idea who he was. He decided then and there when he asked this. That he wanted this Human to be His. Even if they would never know who they belonged to.

"Who am I...? You really don't know who I am? Interesting. May I have your Name?" He asked with a small smirk to his voice. He would see if this Human fell for it. If they were Truly Naïve enough to Give him their name. They blinked before smiling with the Brightest smile Malleus had ever soon. 

"I'm Yuu" They stated handing him a power they would never know about. Hadn't they been Taught to never give their names to Fae? Perhaps this little one didn't even know he was a Fae. He laughed slightly at just how easy it was to get it. He could feel the power of their name. Light and calm resting in his Magic now to be used later on. Gifting Yuu a smile back.

'Yuu... an Unusual name, to be sure. I, Never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware. it's for your own benefit, I assure you. Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing" He wasn't sure why he did not just tell them his name. But he believed it was because he did not want to give them any fear. A feeling of Protection fell over him. For if this child was Naïve enough to gift a Fae their name. Then they would surely never survive this College full of Darkness.

"Although you may one day regret it..." He said crossing his arms only for this little thing to giggle at him. They smiled at him having no fear at all of him or what he could do.

'I'm afraid it is you who will Probably regret it, hehe I'm terrible with Naming" They Jested right back. Showing Malleus that while Innocent as they may be, This child did seem slightly Mischievous. A Human after his own heart apparently. He Smiled warmly down at them.

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