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After that Night Grim had started to act strange. He had run off that night and when I followed him I found him eating something. Flashbacks from when he ate those Blot rocks flashed in my mind. I ran over only for him to snap around and growl at me a dark look on his face.

"Who's there! Get away! It's mine!!" He yelled growling. I jumped back shocked. He wasn't acting like himself I tried to put my hands up and tell him I wasn't going to take it but when I moved he charged. Clawing my arm. I fell back only to watch him run off. Holding my bleeding arm I started trying to find him. But it got late, I had hopped he would come home. 

Walking to the Ramshackle I winced as my Arm started to throb. I didn't want to look at it and see how bad it was. I knew if I did it would just hurt more. Making my way to the Gate I saw the tell tale signs of Tsunotarou showing up. I gave him a soft tired smile.

'Child of man, I see you are once again up late tonight" He smirked however as he looked down at me his smile slowly dropped into a frown.

"Are you Injured?" I sighed and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm fine, Grim just went off the Handle. I had hopped he ran back here but... I think he's still out" I said worried. Tsunotarou frowned and brought his hand up touching my arm. I winced. Yet that was going to scar.

"I had heard Humans were quite Fragile but to be harmed like this... I believe it is best to have this seen Child of man." I waved him off with a small smile.

"It's really fine, I just have to find Grim. He could be anywhere" Tsunotarou walked closer making me have to look up at him more.

"I will ask my Retainers to look for him. However You are Injured and bleeding out" I froze. Bleeding out? I turned and my eyes widened slightly. My whole sleeve was getting soaked in blood. Had he gotten me that bad? Or did it look worse then it actually was.  Sadly I was right now that I had looked it hurt much more. My whole arm started to throb.

"I-I guess... I just hope he's ok" Tsunotarou gave me a soft smile.

"I will send them out looking for him. However for now we need to get you looked at." I looked at my arm and then the Ramshackle before nodding with a sigh.

"Ya... O-Ok, Thank you Tsunotarou" I said giving him a soft smile. He walked us to the Mirror Chamber and into the Diasomnia. I winced as the Door opened and Lilia looked at us Shocked. He rushed us in and gave me a soft look.

'Oh dear, What has happened?" I put a hand over my wound wincing when I felt the wet wound, embarrassed.

'It would seen the Child of man's Beast has attacked them" I really wanted to defend Grim however he wasn't wrong. What had happened to Grim? He was fine that morning and for the VDC Performance. However as soon as it went dark he turned Hostile. Lilia gave me a sad look and nodded.

'I will see about Mending this, It will perhaps Sting a Bit the Wound looks deep" I nodded and gave him a small smile.

'Ok, Thank you" Tsunotarou Watched Hovering over Lilia as he worked. It honestly wasn't so bad. It did sting but I had felt much worse when Facing Overblots then this. Soon the wounds closed and Lilia nodded turning to Tsunotarou. He crossed his arms waiting.

"The Wounds were definitely caused by a Beast attack, Young one what caused your Beast to strike you?" He asked. I looked down rubbing the now healed but still bloody arm.

"I wish I know, As soon as it got Dark Grim ran out of the house. I chased after him because he had started acting weird. Talking about being starving even though he had plenty of his Tuna to eat." I sighed.

"I followed him to the Coliseum where I saw him eating something. I called out and then he turned and started yelling at me to get away. I put my hands up because I didn't want him to think I was trying to hurt him and he attacked then Ran off." Tsunotarou put a hand under his chin thinking.

Dragons Hoard ((Yandere Twisted Wonderland Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now