Guided by the wind

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A/n- Hello everyone! Citrus here, it is my first time on Wattpad so my writing isn't exactly THE best, there are so many better fics out there, but I am elated that all of you could take time out of your day to enjoy this story, thank you for reading this before proceeding onto the fic.

Tw- minor mentions of death, a smidge of angst but mostly fluff and Xiao being very oblivious

Rain was pouring in a heavy downpour and Xiao hadn't got his umbrella. He hadn't known it would rain since the weather had been bright and sunny and he was also holding his baby sister Qiqi in his hands. She had buried her face into Xiao's hoodie and Xiao had tried to cover her up with his arms to no avail. He had to run quickly home for his sister's sake. "C-cold" Qiqi said coughing. The last thing he wanted was his sister sick "don't worry Qiqi just a few more minutes". Home was a few minutes away and when it finally came, Xiao took the spare key from under the potted plant. "Xiao! Your soaking wet!" Zhongli, his father said which was quite obvious since Xiao had just run through the rain, he rushed forward and took Qiqi from Xiao's arms. Ganyu was near the fireplace reading a book though she was probably asleep at that point. "Sit down near the fire that should warm you up I'll get you a cup of hot chocolate" Zhongli said. Xiao took off his damp hoodie leaving on a short sleeved shirt which was wet too. He sat down heavily on the carpeted floor, water dripping down his damp cerulean curtain bangs. Ganyu stirred from her slumber "hey Xiao" his older sister yawned. "Back from work already?" He asked. Ganyu did have a job and had her own apartment but she liked to visit sometimes. "Mm it's a holiday" she stretched and smiled sleepily at Xiao. "When is your college starting again?" She asked rubbing her violet eyes. "Tomorrow" Xiao muttered. "And you have to travel pretty far huh? I'll miss you" she sighed. "My baby brother all grown up" Ganyu ruffled his wet hair and Xiao made a noise of annoyance pushing her hand away. "Here" Zhongli handed the both of them each a cup of steaming chocolate and sat down on the couch. "Thank you father" Ganyu said sleepily. She sipped her hot chocolate and Xiao mimicked her. Zhongli used to have quite a high rank in the Liyue government as long as Xiao and Ganyu's mother, Guizhong, was alive, but then, after her death, out of grief, he gave up his high post and became the housewife of a Schneznayan diplomat. As a child Xiao had played countless pranks on Childe to drive him away and even got grounded for it but as he grew up he came to terms with the man. "So how was your day running around town?" Zhongli smiled. "Oh uhm well...I wasn't exactly running around, besides, you kind of kicked me out" Zhongli sighed "you stay cooped up in that room of yours for so long, you need to go out some time and taking Qiqi to the park was the best opportunity for you to get out" Zhongli watched the dying embers of fire upon the charred wood. "Get some rest you have to meet up with Hu tao and Chongyun in the morning to get to the train station" Zhongli stood up from the couch and accepted both Ganyu and Xiao's empty cups. "Goodnight" Ganyu waved and walked off before he could say goodnight back. Apparently she was too sleepy to even talk anymore. Xiao slowly walked to his own bedroom and got changed. He face planted his bed bouncing slightly in the process. He reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, slowly drifting into Viridian and Turquoise dreams of strumming lyres and tinkling laughter.

"I have decided something" The boy had suddenly appeared next to Xiao, "you must stop sneaking on me I might impale you one day!" Xiao said in an exasperated voice lowering his pole arm. The boy only giggled and entwined their hands together. He pulled Xiao down to sit next to him. His hair was swirling gently in the breeze his braids dancing with the wind in a slow, tuneless waltz . "Do you not have your duties to return to Lord Barbatos?" Xiao said. "The wind is free Alatus, and so am I, I am not about to be held down by duty's chains, besides, the children of Mondstadt are ever capable on their own, there is nothing I need to fix" Xiao sighed. "I must be going" Xiao said softly trying to get to his feet but the latter latched onto him like fungi to rotten fruits. "Oh do stay my dove, you haven't even let me give you any love!" Xiao's face erupted and he made an embarrassed squeak which was not appropriate behaviour for the Conqueror of Demons. The other boy made a grabbing gesture and Xiao finally relented and slid into his arms, they fitted together so perfectly it made Xiao's heart ache. The other boy cooed and peppered his head with kisses. "Venti!" Xiao exclaimed, cerise blush corralling across his milky pale cheeks. "Have you ever wondered of the future Xiao?" He asked, threading his fingers through Xiao's Pavinine blue and teal hued hair. "The future?" Xiao asked slightly confused. "Yes, when you have finished all your duties, and are devoid of any work?" Xiao scrunched his button nose up in slight disbelief and he could see in the Jade and Cerulean depths of the other boy's eyes how much he wants to touch it. "That day will never come, I will forever be bound to my duties" the other boy tilted his head. And leaned closer to him his eyes fluttering shut-

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