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With the sound of some tiny foot steps a little sleepy voice came to Taeha.

"Minju, baby, are you awake? I thought you were tired!"
Taeha who was busy with making chocolate pancakes to her babies asked from the little one who looked still sleepy. He was awake till midnight yesterday, so Taeha thought he'll sleep at least until ten a.m. today. But guess she was wrong.

"I was tired mama but not anymore. And also big boys don't sleep till the sun rises"
Minjun, who was now completely awake said with a proud smile. Huh he's a YoUnG MaN you know!

"Okay okay, I know I have a big boy right! Anyway is your sister still sleeping baby?"
Taeha asked from the boy who's curiously looking at Taeha's tasty pancakes.

"Of course mama! You know that she's still a baby right, unlike me"
Minjun was proudly holding his chest. He always like to act like a young man and so that's what he literally do.

Taeha chuckled at her little son's cuteness. He was too adorable to be a ten years old boy.
"Omooo my baby is the cutest"

"Mamaaaa I'm not cute, I'm Handsomeeeee! Cuteness goes with little girls not with young boys!"
This boy is too much into his young boy character, Taeha knew it very well.

"Okay then my young boy, can you please do a favor for your mama?"
Taeha asked with a little smile. She loved these kind of mornings.

"Anything for you mama"
The boy replied in a dramatic way.

"Mm can you please go and wake up your little sister? You have school today. She have to wake up now or else you'll be late"

Taeha's words make the boy nod his head.
"In a second mama"
With that he ran upstairs like Sonic. Well he'll definitely wake up her sister in a second. Taeha was sure with that.

She smiled with herself while thinking about it. She was happy, more than happy she was glad, literally glad to have Minjun and Eunji as her children. She was blessed to have them. They were the best children she could ever wish. She knew that everything is not easy. Specially when she's a single mother with two kids. Even though she's a famous and successful business women, she also have problems. she's still twenty seven, she's still young. She have to face many challenges along with her kids. But Minjun and Eunji never complained about them and Taeha knew they never will. That's why she always glad to them, both of them always understands their mother, even in the worst situations. That's why she loved them more that her life. Her precious little beings, Minjun and Eunji was her everything.

"Mamaa we're hearrr!"
Taeha heard Minjun's loud voice behind her. So she kept the pancakes on the dining table and turned around revealing a messy haired sleepy girl and a cheerful little boy wearing matching pyjamas.

"Aww you're hear! I was waiting for you!"
Taeha went to them and gave kisses on both of their cheeks. Both kids giggled at the kisses. They loved their Mama's kisses.
"Did you wash your faces bubs?"

"Yes mamaaa, we diddd!"
Both girl and boy said loudly while giving huge smiles to their mom. Both of them are wide awake now, even the sleepy head Eunji was awake after their mother's kisses.

"My good babies! Come on good babies gonna have their favorite chocolate pancakes"
Taeha said showing them the dining table.

Minjun and Eunji jumped in Happiness and ran to the dining table. They loved Taeha's pancakes, their mother was the best chef they ever knew. Her chocolate pancakes can beat every one.
Taeha can't help but smile at her adorable twins. She helped the boy and the girl to sit down and then served them their precious pancakes.

"Mama don't you going to eat with us"
Eunji asked from their mom who was looking at them with a smile all the Time.

"No baby, you can eat now. I'll eat later"
She patted her head but Eunji was a brat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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