(26) Royally Sold- More Questions

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First off I wana say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY WickedGleek96 HAVE AN AWESOME DAY AS PROMISED I UPLOADED! I MAY EVEN ADD IN Luna’S MOMS POV...who knows hehehe

I’m on a roll here! Uploading! Woo I'm hyped up! Anyways here we go another glorious chapter! Glorious? Pfft!




Shock coursed through my body at a thousand kilometres per hour. My mouth was hanging wide open and my eyes were probably the size of saucers. My heart rate increased and I was sweating bullets, my face had also gone paler...if that was even possible. I was scared terrified, I felt like an enclosed animal caught between my two parents. Locked in a cage, the fact that Lucas told my dad was enough to piss me off and I had a lot of adrenalin then...but now? It was all gone, replaced by the fear which has consumed me all these years, taking a hold of me and keeping me locked away.

My father still held my mother’s hand, my mother looked astonished where as my dad looked furious. My dad dragged my mother to the other side of the room. I just stood there taking in the scene that was unfolding before me. I was rigid, my face was still smarting from the slap but it was nothing compared to other injuries I’ve obtained.

“What the hell are you talking about?” yelled my mother, enraged. Hand gestures went this way and that and the looks on my parents faces was enough to even make the braves of angels run for the hills, crying for their mommy’s.

“Stop lying to me Lillian!” my father was mad...I couldn’t believe that this fight was all over me? I mean am I not a used to be slave? Does my father not realise that? Realise that I have been through so many masters and been to so many markets that I should be considered as a filthy cretin. That’s what some slaves were considered as...cretins...some also could be called whores, but I haven’t reached that point yet.

They argument went back and forth back and forth, there seemed to be no end to it, until my mother slapped my father and walked out the room. My father sighed; he probably would’ve gone after her but didn’t maybe he didn’t want to cause a scene. I mean not everyone knew the supposed dead princess was alive.

Lillian’s POV (Luna’s mom)

My husband had a tight grip on my wrist as he stared at me, I was beyond mad! How dare he do this to me? I was correcting the slave girl, well my disgusting excuse for a daughter...wait, why was he holding my wrist? Questions swirled around in my head like a ravaging tornado. How much did he know?

He dragged me by the arm towards a corner in his office.

“Lillian, why did you slap that girl?” he asked me.

“She is a slave girl, Eros I needed to talk to you and I needed her to leave.” I explained easily, it was so easy to lie to my husband, after he lost Luna he was bent on not losing another woman in his life, so of course I got whatever I wanted.

He looked at me hard, I pulled my wrist out his deathly grip, “You couldn’t asked her to leave, you didn’t have to take physical action against her” he yelled, I glanced at Luna out of the corner of my eyes...she was just standing there...she was scared. Good. I was knocked out of my reverie when Eros starting shooting more questions at me.

“That is our daughter! I know you know it as well! You were the one to sell her to the slave market!” he yelled.

“Stop talking nonsense! The idea that, that slave girl is our daughter, who is dead is impudent!” I yelled back at him. What has that child been telling him? He knows too much. Get rid of him, I jerked a bit as the though entered my mind. Great, he was back again, telling me what to do. Get rid of him Lillian. I couldn’t do that, he was my husband for God’s sake!

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