(12) Royally Sold- Fall

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  • Dedicated to All my fans! u guys are awesome! =)

Hope u guys like C= thanks for all the comment votes and fans!

it took me freaking 15 minutes to make wattpad paste this here!!!!!! gahhhh!

Guys please tell me if I use the same quote again. This chapter is kinda hard to write lol I'm finding it hard! Its just not coming to me! Gah!

check out the pic ---------------------------------------------------------->


 Behind my smile is a hurting heart.  Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart.  Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.

Royally Sold

Ch12- Fall

I had taken Fira back to the market, where we found her worrying mother. She scolded Fira and thanked me then she went home. I was pretty sad that I wasn't going to see little Fira, maybe I'll see her another time. It was around noon now, dammit time had flown. I was looking around for Sky but I couldn't find him. I had spent a good couple of hours looking. I sighed in defeat and I walked towards the palace. Gosh, how I wish I could just fly there. I sighed and threw my head back.

I looked up at the sky; it was going to rain later on tonight. I trudged my way to the palace. Sky is going to be furious. While I was walking to the palace I noticed the various activities. There were people grooming horses, children playing by the riverbank. People flying through the air and playing games. I noticed a little girl learning how to fly from her big brother. Everyone seemed happy.

 I made my way around the palace to Sky's room. There was a tree next to it, so if I could climb through it I may be in the clear. I looked around me quickly, okay there was no one. I carefully put my foot in the little nook in the tree. I used that as leverage and I pushed myself up I gripped one of the branches. I carried on with this process until I was In line with the window. I looked through the window, okay I couldn't see Sky, but then again I could only see half of his room. I took a deep breath; there was no way I was going to make it to the ledge unless I flew.

I steadied my heart beat; no one was going to see me. I adjusted my footing on the branch, now or never I thought to myself. I took the leap and opened my wings briefly so I could just get to the ledge. I landed quickly, my wings were just a black blur, that how fast I opened them and flew.

I suppressed a giggle. I stepped carefully onto the carpet when, I was pushed hard against a wall. A squeak escaped me; i close me eyes my wrists were above my head. I opened my eyes...and faced an angry Sky. I gulped nervously.

"Where the hell were you?" he demanded. I was scared I didn't like Sky like this, although he did look sexier. Luna shut up! He gripped my wrists hard.

"Where were you Luna?" he asked yet again, I swallowed and I answered him evenly.

"There was this little girl. She needed my help so I helped her."

"You're not telling me everything Luna. Tell me what happened" I averted my eyes from him. When Sky was mad, I realised I didn't want to look in his eyes. They were cold, icy cold. I kept my head down telling him everything that happened changing the parts about me flying. I just told him that we lost the guards. He lifted my chin up with his finger. He stared at me, tilting his head to the side. His eyes held worry, he's hand gripped even tighter on my wrists. He was mad I knew that, but I couldn't just leave Fira.

"Don't you ever leave me like that again!" he yelled and shook me. He was no longer angry his eyes had softened probably because I could feel the tears in my eyes. God, when did I turn into such a softie? I shook myself quickly.

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