chapter 16 - that baby finally my boyfriend ayyy

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I was now sitting in my Ancient History class next to Nam-Ra pretending to be doing my school work -- really, I was just playing some random games I found on Google on my laptop. I was also replaying the events of my last maths class with Gwinam over and over again in my head. I just couldn't get what On-Jo had said to me after that class as well.


The word boyfriend danced around in my head. The thought of Gwinam being my boyfriend gave me butterflies in my stomach. It made my head spin, and my face smile.

"Psst... Psssssssssst!!" I whisper yelled. "Nam-Ra!"

"What?" She hissed back, looking up from her iPhone which was strategically placed behind her laptop screen so that the teacher wouldn't see what she was doing.

"I need your advice on something..." I whispered.

"On what?" She responded.

"On... Gwinam..." I trailed off looking down. "Just read my mind, I don't want to have to say it out loud." I whispered, sighing looking up and meeting eyes with Jason. Fucking Jason. I thought to myself.

"I'm not a fucking mind reader!" Nam-Ra laughed back. "I can't just tell me."

"But I don't want to say it." I bluntly answered back.

"Then write it."

"Fine." I say, before opening up some random sticky note on my MacBook, typing out my next words.

I want to know where I stand with Gwinam. I wrote.

Then ask him out! Or talk to him! She responded.

I would, but I'm still a bitch who flirts with like every guy in sight!! I wrote back.

So u wanna know where u stand so u can make accurate and relevant judgments based on that

Eg : not flirting with men in science cause ur dating someone? Nam-Ra answered.

Yeah also I kinda wanna formalise something cos Issac is like being so annoying flirting with me and touching my hands and pulling my sweat out and ik he is gonna say something but I wanna be like no I've got Gwinam but like idk. I typed out, sighing and looking up at my friend.

On ur date this Sunday ask " so what does this make us ?" Shit, I thought to myself after reading my friends words on my laptop screen. I forgot about our next date that we had planned on Sunday.

Maybe I should just do it today #YOLO


And like I am so awkward I feel like he feels like I don't like him but around ppl I don't like Im like super flirty and into it but around him im like a fucking rock

So I was thinking maybe I could be like "Hey can we talk"??

He will shit himself vigorously and be scared asf . Nam-Ra wrote, I looked up at her confused.


After class say " hey Jason" and then say could you ask Gwinam to talk to me I need to talk to him

Yeah, that works. Thanks Nam-Ra! I responded, before shutting my laptop and exiting the classroom at the end out our Ancient History class.

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