13 - A Storm in a Teacup

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Beijing, China 

All the members of his future-in-law gathered in Minnesota-St. Louis International Airport for their first official trip to China and Zachary was excited to spend more time with her family. Before this, Zachary stayed a few days with his future in-law so he could get to know them better. And they also invited him for a trip to China for the upcoming Chinese New Year where both Mr and Mrs Wu wanted to visit their long-lost relatives in China. Due to her wishes that did not want him to spoil her family with extravagant things like the private plane, all of them would be boarding the economy class cabin for the trip.

"How do you survive this cramp seat?" He asked wryly, nagging about how uncomfortable the place was. As someone with a golden spoon inside his mouth, Zachary barely has a hardship throughout his life hence Reanna wanted him to be humble as he would be marrying her soon.

"Can you shut up for a minute, Mr Owens. I know my family isn't as rich as yours but please, do respect for us." Reanna said firmly, giving him a stab right across his heart. What his fiancée had said was true and he should be grateful for what he has.

"Alright. Now I just want to sleep until we safely arrived in China." He remarked, sulking with his own woman. Instead of persuading her man, Reanna continued with her reading and seriously did not bother about the man who was seated beside her.

Zachary did what he knew best by sleeping throughout the flight, woke up when it was time for dinner. Mr and Mrs Wu were sleeping meanwhile his future brother-in-law Bryan as well as his second cousin was chatting about something he did not bother to know. It was his first trip to China and Zachary if possible does not want to ruin it with a small fight with Reanna. He thought that woman would be reasonable to him instead he was left with nothing other than a cold shoulder from her. Okay, maybe he went overboard about the aeroplane stuff but how could Reanna ignore him.

"Hey, I am sorry for what I'd said earlier." Zachary said, regretting his words that made Reanna's in a bad mood. She continued with her book, pretending like Zachary did not exist although he was by her side all the time.

"I know I don't have fancy things like you but it does not mean you have the right to insult it in front of me, Zac. Then, you aren't different from Martin." She exclaimed harshly, trying to help Zachary realise that he should not say those things whenever he's with her since Reanna obviously did not like any cocky attitudes from her future man.

"Thank you for reminding me to be down on the earth, Reanna. I never met someone so honest and brutal like you." He responded, taking her right hand and kissed the knuckle full of affection hence made the Chinese-lady melt with his action.

And she accepted his apology with a condition that he will not repeat back on what he did today. A few hours later, they arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport and once again Zachary was taken by surprise to see how populous China's capital was. Everything was handled by Bryan like transportation and accommodation hence after checking-in the room, all the men were gathered inside one room meanwhile the ladies in another room.

"Beijing is beautiful. I cannot wait to explore it by tomorrow." The wedding planner, Beatrice, spoke excitedly to her sister-in-law. It was her first trip to China and Reanna wanted to make it worthwhile for her as well as her fiancé, Zachary.

"Me too. It has been a long time since I left this city." She remarked, feeling nostalgic about her memories. In recent years, Bryan always bringing her and their parents back to China for catching up with the relatives thus made Reanna somehow quite familiar with the city itself.

In the meantime, Zachary was having his time with Bryan as well as Mr Wu where the three of them were chatting about their past life. From the mixed languages between English, Mandarin and Cantonese; Zachary was confused with the topic that the men spoke about until Bryan apologised to him for being inconsiderate albeit he was there all the time.

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