🌺 15 🌺

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"Quite the stunt you pulled out there." Jimin squints his eyes as soon as he enters the bathroom. Jungkook looks up from the big mirror, quickly finding Jimin's eyes and holding eye contact with him.

He smiles sheepishly at the older, turning around once he was done washing his hands. Jimin approaches him and stands right infront of him, leaving enough distance between them as this was the office bathroom and anybody could enter at any second.

"Sorry hyung, i don't understand what are you talking about?" Jungkook feigns ignorance.

"Really?" Jimin quirks a brow.

"Yeah. Would you care to elaborate?" Jungkook continues acting, wanting Jimin to say the words.

"You and Hobi hyung?" Jimin irritatedly lets the words out, knowing very well what Jungkook is trying to do but still playing into it.

"What about me and Hobi hyung?" Jungkook oh-so-innocently lets out, tilting his head slightly as if in deep thoughts.

Jimin clicks his tongue, taking a few steps closer to Jungkook. Jungkook gulps but tries to not break his act.

"Really Jungkookie? This is how it's going to be?" Jimin lowly says, his eyes staring deep into the younger's eyes.

Jungkook's heart speeds up, his cheeks burning hot but he still tries to get the words out of Jimin.

"I really don't know what you're talking about Jimin si." Jungkook says, his voice a mere whisper as he watches Jimin intently so close to him. He wanted so badly to reach out and pull Jimin even closer to him but he had to be mindful of their whereabouts.

"I'm jealous." Jimin states boldly, his eyes planted on Jungkook. "Is that what you want to hear."

Jungkook's eyes widens slightly, his cheeks becoming a darker red as he bites his bottoms lips shyly, not expecting Jimin to just say it like that.

"I-i..." Jungkook's voice betrays him as he fails to articulate his thoughts.

Jimin smiles at the latter, his hand reaching to carress Jungkook's hair and falling on his cheek after to remain there. His thumb carresses the latter's soft skin as Jungkook leans into the comforting touch.

"I'm sorry, it's just now that i have you i can't help but be possessive of you. " Jimin explains, "I just want you all for myself i guess." Jimin smiles at the male.

Jungkook shudders slightly at the words, never before has anyone said anything like this to him and Jungkook loved the fact that it was Jimin who had been the one saying it.

"That doesn't mean you have to cut contact from the others because of me but i would appreciate it if....if you know..." Jimin halts unsurely, not wanting to be too demanding.

"I understand." Jungkook quickly lets out as he read into Jimin's uncertainty, "I'll try." He meekly lets out in a shy tone. Jimin smiles at that, his hands giving gentle brushes on the male's skin to show his appreciation.

"Thank you." He lets out as he looks Jungkook in the eye, wanting nothing more than to bring the younger closer and to kiss him deeply. However, Jimin wants their next kiss to be when he'd finally asked Jungkook to be his boyfriend and he was going to do that soon enough.

As Jimin was about to retreat his hand from Jungkook, the latter places his hand on top of Jimin's to keep it in place. Jimin arches an eyebrow in question.

"I- uh- I don't like seeing you being touchy with o-others either." Jungkook shyly lets out, his lips jutting into a pout. Jimin coos at the sight. Jungkook was truly adorable.

"I'm only yours." Jimin reassures, his arms wrapping around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook bashfully smiles at the contact, his heart warming up at the words.

As they both sink into the sweet moment, the door of the bathroom clicks open abruptly, alarming the two idols who seperate instantly but not quick enough as the new entrant had already caught sight of the intimate embrace they were in.

To any eyes in the company, this may have passed to normal but Taehyung who had already been suspicious, had other thoughts. He originally planned to come and call Jimin since the latter was needed by one of their in-house producers, he didn't expect to see Jungkook here with Jimin especially in that position, although he was starting to wonder where was the younger.

"Oh Tae, what are you doing here?" Jimin tries to sound as casual as he can while panicking on the inside.

Taehyung's eyes travel suspiciously between the two visibly nervous males and he decides to pick a target, choosing the one who is the most nervous. "You are needed by PDogg nim." He simply states.

"Oh ok, i'll be there." Jimin says, looking at the Taehyung with an innocent smile.

"Now." Taehyung presses on his word, signifying that he should leave now.

Jungkook panics at the thought of Jimin leaving him behind here with Taehyung so when Jimin marches towards the door, he quietly follows after but a gentle tug at his hand stops him and before he could try to ask Jimin for help, the man was out and about.

Mentally cursing at himself, Jungkook turns around to meet Taehyung's sharp inquiring gaze. And the look in his eyes instantly frightened Jungkook to the core as this was the detective Taehyung look, whenever the latter was suspicious of something he would give this look to his two maknae line bestfriends so they would spill the truth.

"Y-yes hyung? You need something?" Jungkook timidly asks, avoiding eye contact.

"Umhmm." Humming with an expressionless face, Taehyung circles around the male like a shark ready to attack.

Jungkook gulps nervously, cursing his fate at how he is always getting cornered by Taehyung and knowing the latter, he knows for sure that he's about to make him regret all of the decisions that he ever made in his entire lifetime.

"What's going on between you and Jimin?" Taehyung stops right infront of Jungkook, standing between him and the door incase the younger decided to run away.

"W-what's going on?" Jungkook asks instead in panic. His heartbeat sped up as he feels cold sweat travelling on his skin. He was not confident enough to sell a lie right now, so dodging and running away was the only option now.

"Really Kook?" Taehyung squints his eyes at Jungkook. "Where were you guys last night?" He continues asking. There was really never a secret between them especially among the maknae line so what was there now that they were trying so badly to hide, very miserably at that, unless his theory was right!

"I- we w-were out...to..to...look at the moon!" Jungkook drawls out nervously, his limbs slightly shaky.

He jumps when Taehyung places a firm hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Jungkook. I'm just your hyung. It's ok, i'm not about to do anything to you." Taehyung warmly says, seeing his younger brother so shook he felt bad for putting him on edge.

Jungkook visibly calms down slightly, engraving it in his mind that it's just Taehyung. There was nothing to worry about even if he found out. But did he want them to find out yet. He didn't really know. He hasn't gotten the time to think about that part yet.

"I'm not going to force the answer out of you if you really can't tell me. But just know i am here for you and i support you. And Jimin." Taehyung says cryptically but it was clear as daylight to Jungkook. He understood exactly what Taehyung was referring to which got him wondering how and for how long does he know.

With that being said, Taehyung left the maknae there, telling him to come join them quick as the latter stood still, astonishment painted on his face. Were they that obvious without even doing much? He couldn't help but notice he didn't feel as dreadful as he imagined he would. Infact he was happy he didn't have to say much and Taehyung still understood it all. He frankly doesn't know what he would have said anyways.


This chapter is not quite as well written as i'd want it to be but it'll have to do for now.

Anyways, hope it was still enjoyable, see you soon!✌

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