Chapter 3

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"Nightlystar wake up" two voices whined in her ears. Nightlystar opened one eye to see her son and daughter standing over her. blazingkit's dark green eyes stared into Nightlystar's . Nightlystar saw hurricanewind In her daughter and it made her miss him even more. Nightlystar sighs and stood up "let's go eat my dears" Nightlystar purrs in amusement at the kits jumping around her legs. "Mama mama can we eat this" blazingkit asked holding up a pebble. "no my dear that's a rock you can't eat a rock" Nightlystar meows. rebelbeauty dashed over with her enlarged belly with kits. She was mates with gingersplash and was due to have kits any day now. Nightlystar wasn't having kits again but maybe if she finds a Tom she will ever love again. Rushingkit looked at his mother with
Sad eyes cause he could see his mother's sadness. suddenly a battle cry rang out and rushingkit stiffen with fear. "streamclan" rebelbeauty yowls. suddenly a cat in racing towards him and blazingkit. blazingkit squeals In fright and pressed to rushingkit's side. suddenly paws hit the ground in front of the siblings. rushingkit looks up to see their mother Nightlystar standing in front of them. Nightlystar's muscles were bulging out as she got ready to fight. rushingkit admired his mother he wanted to be just like her. Nightlystar knocks the Tom right off his paws with a single swipe of her paw. "Rushingkit, blazingkit move" Nightlystar yowled. suddenly a jet black she-cat bowled the two kits out of the way of a charging Tom. Nightlystar sighs in relief when the she-cat did that. "who are you" rushingkit asked. "my name is raven little one" the she-cat meows. "mother" blazingkit screeched and ran to Nightlystar. "thank you for saving my kits" Nightlystar meows.

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