Graduation Party

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"Louise!" called Linda Belcher from across the restaurant.

"Can you help? Your guests are gonna be here in a minute."

Louise Belcher was sitting at the end of her parents bar top sifting through a stack of napkins as if they were a book. Her mother, Linda, had planned a party for her since she had just graduated. Linda loved throwing parties. She looked for any excuse to have numerous people over and to host something no matter what it meant. In this case, to Louise's dismay, it was a graduation party for Louise.

Unlike her mom, she was never big on parties. She never really liked being in crowds. It always made her feel, well, anxious. Something about being around a large group of people made her want to cause some mischief. Mostly as an excuse to get away from people, but at least some part of her liked to do it to see the reaction on their faces. However, Louise would be turning 19 in two weeks and she had just finished high school. She was the oldest in her grade after being held back in kindergarten due to a situation with scissors. She knew being an adult meant the chances of her finding excuses to cause mayhem had quickly sifted through her fingers. With each of her friends going off in different directions she really didn't know what was going to happen next.

"Louise!" called Linda

She looked up, took a deep breath, and placed the napkins back onto the counter. Her sister and her brother were carrying around trays of mini burgers that her father had spent all morning working on. While her mom was struggling to get some decorations hung around the restaurant. They couldn't afford to rent out a venue of any kind and since Louise didn't really care for parties anyway her parents didn't figure she would mind having the party at the restaurant her father owned.

Little did they know that if Louise had to have a party, that's exactly where she would want it to be. She would never admit it, but, Louise quite liked her parents restaurant. In fact, that's where Louise liked to spend most of her time. Although she didn't like to work, she loved something about the greasy, sticky, laxidazi environment. The people who went there to eat were always very bizarre but friendly. She felt like being in her parents restaurant was the only place that she could truly be Louise. Aside from the occasional nagging from her mom nobody tried to correct her or make her be something else. She could actually enjoy herself throughout the day. Until of course a customer put an order in, in which she would have to serve them and that got boring rather quickly.

Louise held out a piece of tape and handed each individual strip to her mother. Linda tiptoed on a bar stool and as it teetered her sister came through the kitchen door. Almost knocking her mother to the ground.
"Tinaaa!" yelled the disgruntled mother.
"I'm sorry mom! Are you okay?" The young adult panicked. Tina Belcher never really paid much attention to her surroundings. Whether it was that she was too blind to see half the time or she was just in her own thoughts she very rarely saw where she was going. Most of the time she would zone out and you wouldn't be able to get her attention.

It's entirely possible that Tina was nervous about Louise's party herself. Louise's two best friends were Andy and Ollie Pesto, whose older brother just happened to be Jimmy Pesto Jr. Him and Tina had dated on and off for many years and then when they graduated four years prior to Louise he had decided to break up with her. He was going to be going to college for dance and Tina would be studying environmental journalism six hours in the opposite direction. To Louise's knowledge the two childhood sweethearts hadn't really seen or spoken since.

As a result she was very anxious. So anxious Tina almost didn't come to Louise's party at all and had suggested the two of them go do something separate, "Just like the two best sisters they were." 'What a weird way to put that,' Louise had thought when she heard Tina. Louise quickly put two and two together and realized that Tina didn't wanna be at her party. While Louise didn't care to be celebrating such a stupid accomplishment, her heart sank at the thought that her sister considered seeing Jimmy Jr. more important.

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