What's wrong with me?

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Update requested by DayvonWifey1 😘 I hope you like it.

In this story you will be pregnant with Stokely's child while Stokely is giving you the cold shoulder.

I didn't proofread this babes😭💗

I didn't proofread this babes😭💗

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Y/n p.o.v

I was currently laying on the couch eating ice cream. On the coffee table there was also Hot Cheetos, assorted chocolate bars, leftover Chinese food, and  a few pizza slices left from me ordering earlier. My feet were a little swollen and my baby was kicking the crap out of me. My back was cramping and I missed my man. This morning he left without saying goodbye or I love you, he didn't give me a kiss or nothing. I didn't feel like arguing but Stokely was pushing it. I changed the  channel and left it on Set it off. I couldn't get comfortable so I started calling Stokes to see if he was okay but it kept going to voicemail. I rolled my eyes hard because he keep his phone charged. I stood up pacing the floor as I continued to call him to get no answer.

Stokely's P

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Stokely's P.o.v.

I kept declining y/n's call because she was starting to kill my high. I wasn't cheating on her or anything because I love her too much to do anything stupid. She was just doing too much right now. I understand she's pregnant but damn let me breathe. She always want to cuddle, know where I'm going, what I'm doing, and wants me to stay home or go with me and I just can't. Sometimes I wish she wasn't pregnant. We haven't been able to have sex in 7 months because she is scared to harm the baby, not wanting to risk anything she always turn me down.

Right now I was out with Jahseh, Jared, and Isaiah. They decided to go to the strip club and I was for sure down with it. A girl was giving me a lap dance and some people was recording it which I didn't mind because y/n usually don't go on the shaderoom or Instagram so I wasn't too worried. She was bad too with a lil fatty. I knew not to touch her but she was making my dick hard and the weed and liquor wasn't helping After the cameras stopped recording she whispered in my ear and I told the guys I'll be back. That was until Jah stopped me, "Where you going?" I rolled my eyes, because I knew he cared for y/n like a baby sis so he was on my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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