[12] Just a lookalike.

36 2 11

Simon's POV


I watch as he pulls his hood down...and oh my god-
The man pulling his hood down is Anthony McPartlin. The One Man that I wanted to see at this moment. I stare towards him as he walks towards the bar and sits down violently on a stool.

"Pour me a drink. I don't give a toss what it is."

Damn what happened to this man?

Do I talk to him?

"Yes, it's me, Ant."

It's dark...but the lighting just seems to frame his face perfectly. I know I shouldn't be thinking this...but I can't help it. I suddenly feel so drawn to this man.

"Simon...what the hell happened today?"
"God knows, Ant. God knows."

We talk, and pour the drinks down our necks until we're really wasted. Like, really, really wasted.

"Ant, I must say, you look too damn good to have been sad earlier today."
Ant blushes.
"Well, Simon, I...you look great too..."
"I know this might seem a bit fast - you know, with my break-up, and your...thing... - but would you maybe want to come back to my place for a drink?"
"I don't see any harm in that."

We stand up. I pull my card out from my leather wallet and hold it out towards the bartender, presuming he takes contactless.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you're going to need to put your pin in for this transaction."
I sigh in frustration. "Don't you know who I am?"
"No, Sir, I'm afraid I don't."
I just roll my eyes and put my card into the machine, tapping in my code in a half-assed manner and then walking out of the pub, and following close behind me.

A taxi is already waiting at the side of the road. I get in and wait for Ant to follow. The taxi driver doesn't seem phased.
"Take us back to my place."
"Yes, sir."

The thing is, this is my limo driver. It's to keep a low profile. I mean, if somebody sees a limo in public, they're immediately going to assume that there is a celebrity inside, and then the paparazzi with come flocking to my doorstep. Whereas, if I have a taxi, it looks miles less suspicious and I can get away with going anywhere for anything.

We pull up outside my place, after quite a long journey, and get out of the taxi. We walk up the driveway in silence. It's like we both know what's gonna go down, but we're both too frustrated and scared to even mention it. I unlock my door and we walk inside. All my staff are off - I mean, it's incredibly late. The clocks just tick by sometimes and the next thing you know, you'll be in a retirement home on life support, and not even realising how much time you've lost. How much time you've wasted on dwelling on unnecessary shit.

Ant sits down on the sofa, looking nervous but quite at home. Strange combination, I know. I grab the wine out of the cabinet along with two glasses. I sit next to Ant. Close. Too close. We shouldn't be doing this.

"Yes please."

I pour the drinks in silence. He watches me, tapping his fingers on the side of his leg. It must be nerves. I pass him a drink. We don't make a toast. I mean, what is there to make a toast to? This is just out of sympathy. Desperation.

He looks awfully like David in this light. Same cheekbones, similar hair. It's like...I've gone to another universe and pulled another David straight out of it. I can't lie...he's just a lookalike.

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𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖨 𝖶𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖴𝗉 | a. mcpartlin x d. donnellyWhere stories live. Discover now