Chapter 04

918 38 26


Pre-Arc 01


"Being who you are makes people learn about you more , but wearing a mask around people will let you learn more than you desire"


" Well now Ojou-san , What's your name ? " said Toichi in his famously gentle voice .

" w-watashino namaewa K-kudo Mikazuki desu ... H-Hajimemashte .. " responded Mika with a very timid voice , giving off the trails of an angel that had fallen from heaven .

' she is a polite and shy nature ... that is good in a way .. but bad in another , she needs to become stronger to face her life ahead ' though Toichi as he smiled at the girl in front of him as he nodded then handed up his hand up to her .

" as you might already know , watashino namaewa Kuroba Toichi desu , Hajimemashte , Hime-san " he greeted as he made a purple flower appear in his hand and handed it to the girl in front of him .

Meanwhile , Mikazuki was grinning from ear to ear as she clapped her hands together as a sign that she loved the mini-magic show , as she eventually took the flower and putted it on her hair , it matched the dress she was wearing in the moment .

Behind the man , she clearly can see how the two women are squealing and even her mother magically summoned a camera and started taking pictures .

She sighed a bit as she smiled at the man in front of her and nodded her head .

" It's nice to meet you , Toichi-sensei " She said with a smile as he nodded his head , still smiling .

" if you are uncomfortable with the word 'sensei' you can always call me oji-san " he smiled as the girl nodded his head , but didn't comment , so he assumed he will be called 'sensei' for the next few years .

" Alright so , do you know what I teach ? " Asked the man the little girl in front of him .

" you teach mama how to act and the awt of disguise ! And you are a magician too ! " She answered with a childlish , excited , tone . Toichi nodded his head .

" That's right , your mother wishes that you learn how to become a good actress . You are okay with it ? " He asked again , smile kept on his face .

Mikazuki nodded her head .

" Yup ! Demo I wouldn't mind if you teach me magic too ... " she said with a hesitating tone in her voice , she knew that it was bad asking for something from someone without her mother's permission so she looked at her , with hesitant eyes .

To her surprise , Yukiko had a huge , excited smile on her face . ' I made the right decision by bringing her here ! She will learn all kind of arts if she learns magic ! But why is she looking at me like that ? Is she scared I'll be mad at her ? What stupid idez is that ? I don't know where she got it but I know that I'm not mad ar her . Never is , and hopefully never will be ' was what Yukiko though before smiling down at her daughter and nodding .

" I don't mind you learning magic Mika-chan , if anything I'm delighted you're interested in it ! " Said Yukiko to her daughter who had a bright innocent smile on her face .

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