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The table was silent except for the occasional clink of silverware. The Haynes family had already chattered away about topics all over the moon and now they were simply dining together in peace. Joanna's parents, Mark and Leslie Hayne, believed dining as a family would keep the family together - and it did, so they marked their calendars up on certain nights that would be designated to the family.

Joanna didn't mind these dinners, in fact she looked forward to them. Tonight though, Joanna was bouncy and fidgety in her chair. After finally talking to Greyson after she wondered for so long who she was connected to, Joanna didn't want to stop talking to him. But she knew she told Greyson they had to wait until it was ten o'clock. Or so she thought until she suddenly heard him.


Surprise coated her face and she dropped her fork, letting it hit the plate and making the rest of her family look at her in confusion.

"Joanna!" She heard him again.

"Joanna?" This time it was her mom speaking. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah," Joanna said. "Yeah, I, uh, just remembered that I have to feed the cat. I'll be right back."

"Cat? We don't have a cat."

Joanna had already left her seat and bounded up the stairs to her room, too far to hear her mother talking in the dining room. But her mother let it be, as did the rest of her family, and they went back to eating while Joanna began talking to Greyson.

"Greyson?" Joanna quickly closed her door and say on her bed with her legs tucked under her. "You there?"

"Of course I'm here. I was the one who called you."

Joanna rolled her eyes at his tone and asked him why he was talking to her now instead of in an hour, at 10 like they planned.

"Well you see... I got bored."

"You got bored Greyson? So you just decided to talk to me because why not it's not like I was in the middle of a family dinner or anything."

"You were?"

Joanna audibly gasped at him.

"I'm just kidding. I knew you were."

"So...?" Joanna tried to figure out what he wanted.

"So I couldn't stop thinking about you. Well not you, er yeah you, but more like us? Anyways, I just couldn't wait another hour. I'm dying over here and I thought I'd have gray hair and wrinkles by the time we talked again Joanna."

Joanna decided not to take that so literally seeing as how one, that seemed like something an exasperated Greyson would say, and two, she expected he would've told her if he had some kind of life threatening illness. But on second thought, she knew nothing about the guy so maybe he did have some illness. Pushing away the thought, Joanna replied.

"Ok well don't die just yet because I want to know about us too."

"Wow, I appreciate your deep concern for my health."

Joanna chuckled to herself as she listened to Greyson's sarcastic remark.


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