Chapter 1: The Discovery

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Year: 2021

Location: Antarctica

Mission: Alpha Research and Recovery Group, NO. From folio 45633.

Day: Thursday at 1300 hours past meridian.

-This is Alpha, report, over.


-This is Alpha, report, over.


The research and recovery group went to inspect an area with high energy levels in Antarctica, they were sent by the Abnormal Geological and Morphological Research Center (C.I.G.M.A), apparently the source of the energy is unknown, a certain number of sensors were they had placed throughout the continent in the year 2000, 20 years have passed and until now they have marked a signal. C.I.G.M.A sent its best team to carry out the survey, whose leader was a 24-year-old man named Anyel, 1.68 tall, light skin color, and emerald green eye pigmentation, stocky physical build due to training in C.I.G.M.A, whose team was constituted By 5 members, Richard Miller, Dennilson Aitchcobixh, Michelangelo know him as Mike, Deras, and their leader Anyel.

Anyel: Aspect described above with some variations in skill: expert in weapons and precision inherited, they call him Eye of God, blood type A-, Male gender.

Michelangelo (Mike): 1.70 tall, slim build but able to lift heavy weights due to C.I.G.M.A training, tropical skin coloration, brown eye pigmentation, another nickname he goes by is Omnipotent, hacking expert, inhuman knowledge in technology either ancient or modern, Blood Type O-, operates remotely, he and Anyel are of Honduran origin, Gender male, age 25.

Richard Miller: 1.60 tall, stocky body build, expert in every martial art known to man, light skin color, light blue eye pigmentation, they know him as Right Hand, he never lets his opponent strike the first blow even make him hit, because to his training in C.I.G.M.A. age 36, of United States origin, blood type O+, male gender.

Deras: 1.65 tall, physical build with 60% muscle mass, Alpha team engineer, tropical type skin coloration, brown eye pigmentation, known as Crank, expanded knowledge in C.I.G.M.A, whatever you ask of him he builds it, type blood A+, Gender male, age 30.

Dennilson Aitchcobixh: 1.75 tall, extremely stocky build, because of the experiments with his body in C.I.G.M.A, light-colored skin, light blue eye pigmentation, has great brute force, but innate intelligence, of Russian origin, speaks 5 languages, type blood A-, also known as Yugernout, age 32.

They make up the Alpha team of C.I.G.M.A five individuals with unique characteristics, they have been together for more than 5 years, Anyel and Mike joined the team from a very young age which makes them the youngest members of the team.

-This is Alpha, do you copy me?, C.I.G.M.A answer.


-Mike, can you reestablish communication? - Anyel said with a frown seal.

-I can do it, but the communications antenna that is located 1km from here from the base suddenly stopped transmitting - Mike said putting his head in his hands as he leaned back in his chair.

-I already sent Dennilson and Richard to the area and they should arrive, I gave them two types of flares, both visible at more than 2km, a red one to indicate that there is damage and that they need our help, and a green one to indicate that everything is well and that they have already repaired it, let's go up to the roof of the base to be ready, prepare the boar. - Anyel said as she put on her equipment to withstand the low temperatures, Mike followed her later.

Half an hour passed and there was still no sign of them, Anyel began to worry

-Hey, I think something's wrong, it's taken too long, we should go now. - Mike said as he ate a nutrition bar.

- NO, WAIT, LOOK - Said Anyel pointing in the direction of the others, in fact it was red.

- DERAS - Mike yelled.


Anyel, Deras and Mike set off at high speed in the boar, an all-terrain vehicle with tracks for greater traction on ice and snow, it was not an easy terrain to cross on foot, but with the boars delivered by C.I.G.M.A it is an easy task, in In a matter of 20 minutes they arrived at the place where Dennilson and Richard are and what seemed to be the antenna.

- WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG? - Richard said annoyed.

-Don't worry, yes? We arrived as fast as the boar could, but what the hell happened? The antenna is practically melted, the only thing I can save is the black box - Mike said after inspecting the damage.

- Can you repair it? Maybe make another antenna and restore communication. - Anyel said taking Mike by the shoulder.

- I can make you two if you want! In the base I have everything I need to create them, we will place them near the base, one will serve to amplify the signal. - Mike said as he made the effort to remove the black box. (Device that records all signals and changes in the environment)

-But what do you think has melted the antenna like that, I say we are in Antarctica, IT'S NOT HOT HERE - said Dennilson

-Maybe it's because of the abnormal energy levels emanating from the area, that's why we're here. - Anyel said as she looked around.

- AND READY, we already have the black box, well guys we can get out of here. - Mike said taking the black box to his backpack and taking the first step, but...

- Did you hear that? Deras asked.

-It's as if it were a... - Anyel did not finish speaking when the icy ground began to open up right under her feet, and swallowed each one of them.

You could only hear the groans of the 5 team members falling through the crack, apparently they were falling down a somewhat steep slope, they were like bowling balls.

Their abrupt descent soon ends, leaving them bruised and sore, but what's the matter? They can't see anything, the sunlight doesn't reach that deep, did they fall that far? Anyel asks Deras if he has flares with him. affirmative if it has them, Deras did not hesitate to turn them on and quickly his eyes returned to have a vision of his surroundings, everyone was confused, what was it that caused such a vacuum under his feet?, while the others wondered the cause of it , Anyel seemed hypnotized, as if they were talking to him, he began to walk through the darkness and then stopped a few meters away from his team, apparently he felt a presence, without thinking twice he proceeded to light a flare, THEN REVEAL...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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