🍼 baby vacation 🍼

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TW: cursing (only 2 words)

Little: 🟩Dream🟩
Switch: ⏳Karl⏳
Care givers: mr beast crew <3

"Sapnap I am visiting my family and your visiting yours. We need a caregiver for Dream." George said. You can't leave Dream at the house, alone while little. George was scrolling threw his contacts to find someone.

Sapnap saw someone on his contact list. "Fork gal" "how bout Drista?" Sapnap asked. "Can't she is booked for the week." Sapnap kept looking threw his contact list. "Jimmy is in Florida right now! How bout him and the crew?" Sapnap said.

"Call him. See if he's available." George replied.

Calling "rich bitch"

"Hey jimmy by any chance are you available for the week?" Sapnap asked to mr beast after he picked up.

"Yeah, why?"

"Um you know how Dream is a little?" Sapnap knew he could say this without making jimmy confused because Karl is a switch and when little mr beast takes care of him.

"Yeah! why?"

"Can you watch him when little? Please? me and George are visiting our families for the week." Sapnap said.

"Yeah of course I can! Um I will be hanging out with Karl, Chris, and chandler for the week though, is that ok?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah of course!"

"I have a extra guest bedroom so let me set that up for him then you can bring him over!"

"Ok thank you so much!"

"No problem!"

Call with "rich bitch" ended.

"Dreammmmmmm" George said heading up to his room.

"Yes?" Dream replied while opening the door. "We found you caregivers for the week!" Sapnap said to Dream.

"Who?" The blonde asked

"Jimmy, Chris, Karl, and chandler." George replied.

"Ok." Dream replied. "Also your staying over there so pack for the week."

"Okay!" Dream packed and a little while later jimmy called Sapnap saying he's done and sap can bring him over.

~time skip~

"Thank you so much jimmy." George said.

"No problem!" Jimmy said getting the bag of little gear stuff. "Here I will take that." Chris said as George and Sapnap left.

Dream was already fuzzy and seeing the little gear stuff made it worse. It didn't want to regress though. He feels like 1 little would already be a lot. And 2?!

Karl came out of his room. Obviously regressed. "Dada!" Karl called out. This just made it worse for Dream. Chris came over and picked up Karl. Chandler saw Dream's off behavior and came up to him.

"Hey it's ok to regress." Chandler said. "M ot littl!" Dream said slipping. "Mmmm I don't believe that little one." Jimmy said. Dream slipped to the age of 3 and climbed into chandler's lap seeing he was the closet. The crew took care of Dream and Karl and when Sapnap and George came to pick him up, they got a good report.

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