Ask Erza

13 4 0

Me: Hello minna!
Erza: Hello everybody
Me:  Oh hi Erza what's up?
Erza: Nothing much.......just finished beating up the whole guild for messing up my strawberry cake!
Me: W-w-ell that's good to know Erza!
Erza: Yes.....they should learn manners.......Especially Natsu and Gray!
Me: Ok Erza that is enough!
Erza: (stares at me)
Me: Uh I mean.......let's get started!!
Me: Ok Erza this question is from my friend Neko-senpai!!
It says......Erza who do you personally ship yourself with?
Erza: Hmmmmmm........I think I have to go with me and Jellal!
Me: Ohhhhhh you mean JerZa!
Erza: Ehhhhhhh?
Me: That is the shipping name for you and Jellal!
Erza: Ok gotta go uh.......Natsu and Gray started a fight!!!
Me: But they are a the Akane Resor-
Erza: Shut it woman......uh gotta go! >/////<
Me: Well that's all for today!!

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