I'm back rawr

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Ello mates Johanna is back from the dead! Now, lets continue this crap!
Johanna: sup maggots

Gray: what'd you call me?

Natsu: take that back you traitor!

Erza: you shall feel my wrath

Lucy: whyyy...;-;

Wendy: a-ano, Johanna nee-san....

Johanna: calm your balls! And.... calm your tits? Anyways I'm back maggots, so lets continue this crap! Also we have a special  guest today~ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° let's welcome Gajeel!!!!!

*gajeel walks in but trips on a rock*

Everyone: WTF!!!!! O.o

*gajeel gets up*

Gajeel: sup....

Johanna: welcome my child, you are going to take part in today's T or D! Gray, T or D?

Gray: hmmm.....Dare

Johanna: Excellent choice bwahahahahaha ok I dare you to strip and get on the ground on all fours and you, gajeel, will spank his ass with a whip!

Gray: hell NO

Gajeel: FUCK NO

Johanna: what, no??? Do it

Both: ok....

*gray strips and all that jazz*

Gray: happy?

Johanna: VERY

*gajeel smacks Gray's ass with the whip*

Natsu: you're cruel....I like girls like that ;3

Lucy: -is thinking- Aha! So that's the type of girl that Natsu likes.....I shall be cruel too!!!

*lucy trips happy*

Happy: Itai!!!! ;-; Natshuuuu.....

Natsu: Happy!? U ok? -picks happy up- Lucy, that was mean!

Happy: Fufufufufu~

Lucy:....You damn cat!

Johanna: oooook.....looks like everything is done sooooo bye!

Erza: Bye Jojo even though I was sitting here the whole time

Everyone: Bye!!!!

Johanna: bye maggots -jumps out the window-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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