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(im back sluts <3)
 We all know the FUCKING song (please go ahed and jam out to the lyrics and read along) ;3


ENJOY ( you horny gremlins)

“Common what has a little buzz done?” the man passed the rolled up paper to his friends “and we're here to celebrate and have some fun, loosen up” they all chuckled. Even though Izuku knew right from wrong, it didn't mean he wasn't human.

 plus it’ll be rude to pass it up. Right? 

Pressing the blunt to his lips, lighting the other end with his litter. Feeling the smoke filling up  his lungs leaving an ashy  taste on his tongue. He exhaled, coughing a bit as the drug immediately took effect. “There ye’h go!” the men all cheered, patting his back. “Hey! Can we get some drinks around here please!?” one of izuku's friends shouted. Then , these pretty blacked haired girls came out from the corner flashing the men, a smile on their pretty faces  “right away sir” they walked off with a swing in their hips.

An hour had passed.  When did I start zoning out?

“Do be a doll’ love’ and keep the drinks comin’” the man spat out watching the girls dance from a distance, all their faces were red and there words were slump ” izuku i don't know how ye’h don’it but you can sur’ly drink like a god”. izuku moves his head back as he drowns another shot, the liquid burn long gone. He flashes a smile as he picks up another shot. “ wha’t  have ye’h been up to? Are ye’h shagging?” the man hiccuped.

Izuku was zoning out again looking at the pub's led lights as time moved very slowly for him, his body felt as if it had turned to jelly.

What were their names?  Didn't I ask that 30 minutes ago?

Izuku noticed he was staring at the lights for too long now, excusing himself to the bathroom. “Fuck” izuku cursed. he was shit faced, his body is definetly going to hate him tommorow. Stumbilling his way he found the restroom, splashing water in his face as he felt his brain turn into mush , his movement was very slow. Izuku was about to return to the table but light blonde hair exiting the pub caught his eyes. His body moved before his mind could. He followed hoping it was who he thought it was.

Feeling the night's warm breeze touch his face slowly approaching the stranger to get a better look , but it wasn't them, it turns out it was just a worker taking a smoke break. Well he was out of the bar now, time to kill time he thought.

He didn't even remember when he started dialing the number, all he remembers is the ringtone to leave a message. Thirteen times he heard it but it didn't matter because he had forgotten all about it. Looking down at the blurry letters doing his best to type something out, hitting send.

A few minutes passed and his phone chimed. 

                                                                                    Hi kacchan ; 3:17 izuku

             katsuki  3:19 ;  why’d you only call  me when your high?

                                                                                                 High? ; 3:22  izuku

Izuku's surroundings getting to him, turning off his phone he found himself walking around town, the beautiful city lights looking different when he was shit faced. He found himself on a local street for ladies of the night, respectfully keeping his gaze to the floor. A Pretty brunette softly approached him, giving him the eye. “ Whatcha doing out here? Looking to kill time?” She gave him a beautiful smile. Izuku was a very bashful man smiling and softly giving her hand a kiss “ i’m awfully  sorr’y love but I’d have to turn ya’h down” “ you're awfully pretty, just like a doll” izuku slurs his words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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