Chapter 6 | Jyuratodus

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->|<-3rd Person POV->|<-

After ummm, whatever happened before, the Hunter and his trusty calico, Chip, were seen near what looked to be a river land of the Wildspire. Despite it being a harsh desert environment, the Waste is connected to the Ancient Forest, which means most of the water entering the Waste is from the forest.

With the two, there was Barroth, a medium-sized brute wyvern. She was seen dipping into the river, most likely to keep her body cool from the desert heat. It was then that the two began to start chatting...

[Hunter]: "Sooo, what's up?"

[Barroth]: "Nothing much, I just saw you almost getting yourself killed by Pink."

[Hunter]: "Okay, so what is it you wanted to bring us here?" He asks again.

[Barroth]: "You look a lot like my friend, so I was just curious and wanted to know why."

[Chip]: "Nya, he's been told that quite often lately. First it was that big blue dragon, then it was that giant Iguana, and then I think it was that chicken girl, then those three sisters(Rathians), and now you." He said while counting the fingers of his paws.

[Barroth]: "Oh my, you're getting quite popular around here, despite only showing up just recently."

[Hunter]: "Yeah, but I still have trouble getting used to it. Having the same looks as a dragon and all."

[Barroth]: "So why are you here exactly anyway?" She narrowed her gaze towards him.

[Hunter]: "Well where should I begin?




He explains to her the reasons, in an easy detailed way...

[Barroth]: "I see, so you're not a 'monster hunter', just a pacifist holding a longsword... and can apparently communicate with monsters." She said while pointing at him.

[Hunter]: "Basically." He replied back with a simple shoulder shrug.

[Barroth]: "Okay then, I understand. That should be all, it was very interesting."

[Hunter]: "Thank you and sorry for taking up your time."

[Barroth]: "No worries, It was fun. Come back to the Wildspire when you have time, and come visit."

[Hunter]: "We'll do."

[Chip]: "Meow, okay!"

Dark Light  (Male Xeno'jiiva x MHW Iceborne x Female Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now