Chapter 1 | The Beginning

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It is my nature to be kind, gentle, and loving. But know this; when it comes to matters of protecting my Family, my Friends, and my heart. Do not trifle with me, For I am also the most powerful and relentless monster you will ever know.


For many centuries, the Humans and Monsters have learned to coexist. They used to live with each other, helped each other, and protected each other.

But due to unfortunate circumstances, war broke loss. Monsters began to attack humans. Killing, devouring, ripping them to shreds. The humans quickly learned how to defend themselves. Creating unique and massive weapons, weapons that are strong enough to slay a monster.

This took to a point where both sides are tied, but humans had other plans. Unlike the normal hunters, poachers were gathered together, a group of ruthless, savage people. They set out to exterminate the monsters, to the point when many species are threatened with extinction.

The monster did their best to defend themselves, the male members of their species would protect the young, females, elderly, sick, and the weak. Slowly but swiftly, male monsters have died out. This is a big problem for monsters since there aren't any more males, they won't be able to reproduce. Meaning that their kind won't be able to increase and their kind will be eradicated.

Their best course of action was to flee from the mainland. Those who wanted to flee took the opportunity to escape their inevitable doom. Soon finding a large island. An island that was human free and had all the resources they needed.

This is when they met Safi'jiiva, a male. He was the protector of the island and one of the only things that inhabit the island. The second monster... Is you, a young infant Xeno'jiiva. There was a third inhabitant, a female Safi'jiiva, but she passed away from giving birth to you. Yeah, life sucks don't it?

For many years the monster lived peacefully. It was to the point where everyone was like family. Sure there were a few ups and downs but they still held it together.

But their paradise was soon to become a warzone. There was a special phenomenon that occurs every decade called the "Elder's Crossing". An event where an Elder Dragon would travel to the island, in search of a place to pass away peacefully. When they die, their body would be absorbed by the island and create a new ecosystem, causing the island to drastically increase in size.

Because of the Elder's Crossing, humans have picked up on the event. Large fleets began to sail and dock on the very land of the island. They created their own space in a corner of the island. But it continued to get even worse, more fleets arrived and the humans began hunting monsters again. Killing many innocent monsters, the young, the old, the sick, etc. Safi tried his best to protect his newfound family but was sadly slain by the hunters.

And the horrible carnage started all over again. But things are different this time. Why...? Because the humans never found Y/n, meaning that the monsters still have a chance. Only time will tell when Y/n would step out of the shadows and finish what his father started.

Which leads us to now, the present day...


The Elder's Recess

3rd Person POV

Dark Light  (Male Xeno'jiiva x MHW Iceborne x Female Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now