Night at the Pub

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Cas' pov

After a long boring day of doing paper work and occasionally chatting with Dean the work day was finally over. Dean had offered to take me to a local pub down the street as a celebration of my first day. I accepted it and hoped I don't end up drunk.

I've been drunk before and it wasn't fun. I had a horrible hangover and smelled like alcohol.

I followed Dean out to the parking lot to a beautiful Car.

"That's your car?" I ask admiring it's beauty. Dean turns to me and smirks. "You like my baby?" He asks rubbing the door affectionately.

I nod slowly letting my eyes rake over the exterior. " I haven't seen a car like this since the 90's." I whisper petting the hood of the car.

Dean chuckled lightly and said "Well c'mon prince Charming, stop admiring my carriage and get in. Time to get drunk!" Dean was amused by his own joke and laughed a little harder. I couldn't help but laugh along side him. It wasn't even funny but his laugh is contagious.

I get into his car and we drive off to the pub. When we got there I was greeted by the unfamiliar smell of alcohol. We hadn't even got out of the car yet and we can smell it.

"Smells like Balthy's doing the brewing. He always puts in to much alcohol. " Dean commented. I look at him because of the familiar name but I shook it off as if it were nothing. He couldn't be talking about Balthazar. He lives in New York. I say to myself.

We walk into the pub and grab a seat at the bar. The bar tenders back was turned. "Hey Balthy. Two shots please. One for me and one for my new partner." Dean said to the Bar tender.

The bar tender turned slightly to catch Dean a wink and said in a strong recognizable Britigh voice "sure thing Deano. Strong?"

"Um no thanks. Normal" Dean says. When he turns around finally to give us our drinks I froze. "Cassie! Is that really you?" He said. "Hi Balthy..... Long time..... no see...." I say looking away hoping that my eyes didn't tear up.

I herd something snap and I look up to see Balthy walking around the bar to hug me. I lean into his embrace wrapping my arms tight around his waist. "Good to see you little brother." Balthy says as he let's go.

"I.... I thought you were in New York.... not Kansas." I manage to say. "I was for a while. Until I turned 21. Then I moved here and bumped into someone we both know well." Balthy said patting my shoulder.

I look at him in confusion and he yells somewhere in the back "Gabe! Get your lazy ass out of the wine cellar! We have a very important guest!"

I herd a few crashes and a moan from the back room. Then a long blond haired amber eyed man came stumbling out of the room.


He looks over at me and his eyes glow like light bulbs. "Casssssyyyyy! Whare.... whare havvvvve ya beeeeen hiiiidddeeennnn? Arrrrre myyyy eeeeyesss meeessssin with meeeee orrrrr issss datt realllllyyy youuuu?" Gabe slurred as he walked clumsily over to me.

I chuckled slightly and pulled him into a hug. "Hia Gabe. Don't worry, I'm real." I say. He reaches down into my pockets and pulls out my gun.

"Casssyyyyy donttt playyy within guuuunnnssss" Gabe slurred. I snatch the gun from him quickly and stuff it back into my pockets.

"Cas? Why do you have a gun on you?" Balthazar asks. Before I spoke Gabriel pulls out my badge. "Awww loookkkk Baaaattthhhyyyy Caaassssyyyy isss playyyyingggg copppssss. Itttsss aaaa faaaakeee baaaagggeeee."

My face turns red. "I'm an F.B.I agent. I was just assigned earlier today. AND IT'S NOT A FAKE BAGE! I WORKED HARD TO EARN IT!" I practly yell at them. I ball my hands into fists and shove Gabe off of me. Gabe runs into Balthy and they both fall over.

I walk back over to Dean and take a swing at the alcohol. Dean just stares at me in shock with his shot untouched. "What? Ever herd of family problems?" I snap angrily. Dean avoids his eyes from me not making any move for his shot."Balthy.... he's going to need a lot more than one shot tonight.... he's had a rough day." Dean says over to Balthy who was carrying a waisted drunken Gabe over to a close by table to keep an eye on him.

"Sure thing Deano. Sorry about Gabe... He got in a fight with his now ex-girlfriend because he realized he was Bisexual. Then he waisted himself away in the cellar getting drunk and forgetting her. As much as she loved him.... He really didn't care for her anymore. He started flirting with your brother..... Sam..... whenever he came around..... but Sam always figured he was drunk so he played along..... later Gabe admitted to Sam that he was never drunk and really ment it. I think it scared Sam off because he hasn't came back ever since. Then he was back to the wine cellar." Balthy said as he refilled my drink.

I look away, feeling guilty for snapping. "Hey... guys.... I just want to say.... sorry for snapping.... I.... I don't know what got into me...." I say not looking at anyone. I just stared at the half filled shot in front of me.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and here Gabe's not so drunk anymore voice say "it's ok little brother. We all have those times. It's good to finally have you back here with us. After all these years. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd finally congratulate you on living your dream."

He pulls me into another hug but tighter than the first.

I chuckle lightly and say "sorry about what happened Gabe."

Gabe pulled away and smiled saying "don't worry, he'll come back. I know it. He can't get enough of me. He only comes when I'm on day shift anyway."

"I wouldn't be surprised Gabe. He is rather fond of you. He talks about you all the time." Dean comments with a chuckle.

I smile and look at Dean. He smiles back at me. "C'mon tiger let's get you home. Don't want you driving after that many drinks." Dean says to me. I nod my head and walk towards the door.

Dean follows shortly after paying for the drinks and saying bye to my brothers.

I was already in the car when he came out. My head leaned back on the head rest and my eyes closed. I wasn't asleep but I was tired.

Dean gets in and starts the car and starts driving. I thought he was driving me back to the station so I could grab my car and go home but it appears he had other plans. He drove all the way to his little home. I open my eyes because he stoped. He had gotten out of the car and come around to the passengers side. He opens the door and I pretend to be asleep.

He unbuckles my seat belt and picks me up bridal style. Shuts his car door and carries me in his house. He puts me on a nice

Cooshy couch and throws a nice soft blanket over me. At this point I was no longer pretending to sleep. I was already asleep.

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