73. hottest smile

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Bonjour evyone let's start with chapter 73
Enjoy 💜

Author's pov

It was 4 in the morning.

Meha slept in Utkarsh's ward

Sidneet was sitting together, Neet was asleep keeping her head on Arth's shoulder.

After sometime Arth woke up and found her asleep. He stared at her for a whole minute then hugged her making her snuggle in his chest more.

"I don't know what you do to me but I know that I love you Neet. You came into my life when no one was there. You supported me when I was about to die. You married me...just because my dad wanted you to. Today I really realised that I love you" He whispered and hugged her more tight.

"Sid" He heard the doctor.

He went to him

"We are sorry but because of some problem is Utkarsh's oxygen mask there was lack of oxygen for him and he died last night" The doctor said leaving Arth dumbfounded

"WHAT THE FUCK? HOW CAN YOU ALL BE THIS MUCH CARELESS!" Arth yelled and held doctor's collar

Listening to Arth, Neet also woke up and she saw Arth holding doctor's collar

"Sir we tried our best last night also somehow Utkarsh was out of danger but he was having problem in breathing that time also and due to the oxygen mask it increased" The doctor said out of fear

"ARE YOU A FUCKING DOCTOR EVEN!" Arth yelled, till then Neet also came to him

"Oh my god! Arth what happened?!" She asked and held Arth's hand

Arth looked at her with tears in his eyes

"Arth what happened?" She asked and hugged him

"Neet, Utkarsh i s no mo re" He said and this was the time where Neet was in trauma

Arth broke the hug

"I will not let this careless hospital treat innocent patients and take their lives!" Arth said with anger in his eyes

Neet was numb to react even

"Sir please don't do this!" The doctor begged joining hands

"Just see what I do!" Arth said and called the police

"Neet" He looked at her and hugged her tightly as she broke down in his embrace..

"Calm down Neet please!" He said hugging her but she was crying very much

"Arth utkar sh lef t us, me, hi s lov e meh a how can he!?" (Arth, Utkarsh left us, me, his love Meha how can he?) She said crying

"He didn't left anyone he is always with us" He said soothingly rubbing her back

After five minutes Neet was calmed

"Arth, Meha?" Neet asked him

"She is not speaking a word Neet" He said

"You should go and see her, I am fine" Neet said and pulled out from hug

"Okay take care" Arth said and she just smiled

Arth was searching for Meha in the whole hospital as he didn't found her at her recent place

At last he found her sitting in the garden of the hospital

She was pale as fuck, she didn't knew what to do or what to say, all she knew was that she was left with no one now

The man whom she loved from the time she came into the world, her dad left her... After that the guy whom she loved the most after her dad also left her

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