75. Bffs

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Bonjour everyone let's start with chapter 75
Enjoy 💜

Author's pov

It was break time..

Rina, Neet and Arth were sitting together

"So from how long are you both friends?" Rina asked

"You are mistaken we are bffs" Neet said with pizza stuffed in her mouth

"Ya that only" Rina said

"We are friends from childhood" Arth said with a sweet smile nearly glaring at Neet

"Umhm Arth we are bffs babe don't be mistaken" She said while concentrating on her pizza

"Ya bffs" He said and chuckled awkwardly

"And also I am his wi-" Neet was cut off by Arth "By the way Rina mind telling me what you are doing here" Arth asked trying to divert the topic

"Well for the same thing you are here, work" Rina said and chuckled

"I doubt that you know" Neet said laughing

Arth and Rina both snapped at her "come on I was just joking!" She said

Arth shook his head in disgrace

They all continued their lunch in silence

"Arth!" Rina said

Neet snapped at her "Ya Rina" Arth asked and got up

"Well are you free after office?" She asked

"Actually no My ARTH is busy after the office with ME" Neet said and dragged Arth

"What is up with you and your behaviour" Arth asked and got his hand out of her grip

"You know exactly!" She said

"What? I don't know anything" He said

"ARTHH!!!! She called you Arth!" Neet said

"Stop behaving like a nibbi" Arth Said and started walking towards his cabin

She scrunched her nose and scratched his face mentally

"Arthh" She said walking behind him

He hummed in response and her mouth turned into a sulked pout

She whined

"Arthhhhhh" She said whining

"Mind saying something else instead of my name" He said as he entered his cabin

She also entered inside with a grumpy pout, he looked at her and rolled his eyes

"Arth" now they heard some other voice means Rina's

"NEET I- ohh Rina it's you! Come sit" He said smiling

Neet just rolled her eyes coming outside, banging the door

Arth and Rina started laughing

"Goshhh she was really irritatedd" Rina said and high fived with Arth

"I know right" He said and chuckled

"You love her so much don't you" Rina said and sat

"Ofcourse I do it's just a play to make her realise her feelings" Arth said huffing and again doing his work

"Mr workholic leave all this let's go to her cabin, comee" Rina said and dragged him

They both reached to her cabin

"Hiii Avi" Rina chirped and entered inside with Arth's hand in her's that too interwined

Neet's eyes fell on their hand "Hii" She mumbled and looked at her desktop screen pretending that she is busy

"Leave this work let's go somewhere outside I wanna spend time with you and Arth" Rina said and Arth kept his hand on her (Rina's) shoulder

"Actually you both go I am busy" Neet said with her eyes fixed on the screen

Arth huffed and held Neet's hand while dragging her

"Let's go Rina" Arth said going further dragging Neet while Rina came after them laughing silently

"Arth I have work!" Neet said and got her hand out of his grip

"Actually you both talk I am coming" Rina said as she got a call and she went outside

"You don't! Show me what work were you doing" Arth said staring directly in her eyes

Here Neet got nervous because she wasn't doing any work

"I was doing work and I don't need to prove it to you! You go to your Rina na" She nearly yelled

"Why do you have problems with what I am doing Neet and she is not 'my Rina' she is just a friend!" Arth said

"Oh wow no! Why didn't you told her that we are married if she is just A FRIEND!" Neet said yelling

"Oh god Neet! You know what! It's useless to even talk to you" Arth said and came outside

"Ya now toh she is your good friend na you would like talking to her only" Neet said in a low voice and looked down

Arth again came inside

"Neet just tell me your problem please I can't stay like this with you! I love you and you don't love me back so for god sake I need to move on with someone okay and I don't care if it's Rina or someone else at least I will move on from you" Arth said as his eyes teared up 

"Arth-" Neet was speechless she didn't knew what to say, she just stared at his eyes which were filled with tears

"You know what Neet, things won't work like this they seriously won't let's get over with these things this marriage and everything" Arth said and as soon as he said this Neet eyes teared up to

"What are you saying Arth?" Neet said and stepped forward to wipe his tear which escaped from his eye but he stepped back

"Just answer my one question is yes or no" Arth said

Neet looked at him knowing what his question will be

"Do you like me?" Arth asked

Neet shook her head in no "I don't know Arth, I just don't know" She said as she started crying, Arth looked somewhere else most probably at the ceiling

"I can't stay in this marriage with you Neet, it will hurt us both" Arth said and wiped his tears

Neet looked at him and then down "I don't know Arth" She said and wiped her tears to

Arth chuckled humorlessly and came out of her cabin

Neet stayed silent with tears in her eyes

Done with chapter 75
Hope y'all liked it

965 words

Au revoir 💜

Your author

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