Chapter 2

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School is officially over, and I am having my friends over for a sleepover! I aced all of my classes with flying colors, while others *cough* Tayla *cough* are worried about getting held back. After everyone comes I order the pizza and get the Coke and Dr. Pepper out. We all just hanging out, so I decided its a good idea to tell them about the camp.

"hey, guys so I'm going to be in California for most of the summer, carry on." I said while I about to eat a spoonful of Ice cream.


"Well you ,um, see I kinda of got like a job?" I say but it sounds like a question.

"IS EVERYTHING OKAY I HEARD SCREAMING?" my mom, Kindre, asked bewildered while also running down the stairs.

"Yes, everything is okay Mrs. Scott. Skyler was just telling us how she's staying in California for most of the summer." Matthew politely tells my mom but says the last part with an attitude.

"I'm sorry guys that I didn't tell y'all earlier, but I wanted everyone together and not to do it at school." I say slightly depressed because of the reactions.

"So any cute guys that you will be teaching? You could have some kinky teacher student sex." Natalie says with a smirk on her face, while I'm blushing up a storm. Thank god my mom had gone up stairs before she said that.

"Oh my god. they are little kids! Anyways please don't put images in my head Nat. Also, you know I don't do flings, I do relationships." I say in a scolding tone towards Nat.

"oh come on!" they all groan "have some fun, break hearts, get drunk, or high. it's your one chance to be free of your parents wrath!" Nat replies

"whatever, I can't be hungover while teaching little kids!!!" I hiss a them.

"whateverrr" they all say dragging out the "r"

We carry on eating but after a while we decide to go to the theater room and have a Harry Potter marathon, since they were everyone's favorite movies.

We were in the middle of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when I get a call.

<phone call>

Me: hello?

Mark: Hello, it's Mark. I was wondering if you were interested in coming in two days to get to know your students?

Me: I would love to! I will just check with my parents.

< phone is put on hold>

"MOM!!" I yell

"YES HONEY?" She yells back.

"CAN I LEAVE IN EARLY TO GO TO CALI TO MEET MY STUDENTS BEFORE IT STARTS?!" I yell back while my friends give me death glares but I'm not sure if it's about the yelling or going early.

"HOW MANY DAYS EALIER?" She yells back at me

I reply with, "I WOULD LEAVE IN TWO DAYS!"

"I GEUSS YOU CAN. HAVE YOUR FRIENDS HELP YOU PACK! AND DON'T GROAN YOU LAZY ASS TEENAGERS!" she replies, while all of us laugh at her language.

They go up to my room while I go back to my phone call with Mark,

<phone is off hold>

Me: Hey I'm back. My mom said it's fine for me to go early!

Mark: Great! I'll send you the flight details!

Me: Awesome! Good bye!

Mark: Thank you again for teaching this camp!

<phone call is ends>

I go and meet my friend in my room to start packing. I sort us by what we would be best at:

Natalie- Shoes
Tayla- Clothes
Matthew- Bedroom supplies
Me- toiletries

After we surprising finish, we go back to our movie marathon. I check my email for the flights details. It says I will be leaving at 8 am. I tell my friends and they all say they are going to stay over until I leave, and then take to the airport.

The two days go by filled with junk food, late nights, laughter, and a lot of fun. Sadly it's now 6 am and we are packing everything into my car and we head off. It's a 30 minute drive to the airport. The drive is filled with tears, complaining about me leaving, being cramped, and that fun stuff of a car trip. Once we get there I put my bags into the luggage thing when we first step out.

Then we get to security and I give everyone a hug and say good bye. I walk into the line while waving. I wait in security for and hour or so. When I get to my gate I see 4 hooded figures walking toward the same gate in at.

I recognize them as 5 second of summer. I go up to them quietly and ask them if they are 5sos. They say yes and I ask for a photo, they obviously say yes, because I'm just that amazing. Nah, but I can wish right lol. Anyways I gave them my Twitter and tag them. They followed me and they went on their way.

After they leave I have a fan girl moment, then I found a Starbucks. I got my Frappe and walked to a Chick-fil-A and got chicken strips and fries.

I walk back to the gate and wait for 20 ish minutes before I board. Once I get on I put my headphones on and I sleep the whole way there.


sorry I'm taking a long time to post, I've been working all summer and haven't had time.

Who like 5sos being included? Btw it does have a purpose later on in the story

QUESTION: Favorite band?
- I DONT HAVE ONE, I love to many singers and bands lol

TalFor xxx

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