The Plan

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A/N This is for @jinzdick, I hope you like it. I also dedicate it to my bestie @mzTaeJinKim because she always has my back and gives me the support to challenge myself.


"Taehyung", my mother says coming into my room, "we need to talk love, do you have a minute." "Sure Eomma, I was just finishing up my homework", I say closing the book in front of me. "Tae do you remember a boy back in grade school, Kim Seokjin", she asks. I thought for a moment, "the name sounds familiar but I dont really remember him."

 "He went to school with you for about four years, then him and his mom moved to the states right after you guys finished 3rd grade, her parents fell ill and needed help so her and Seokjin relocated and ended up staying longer than planned because Seokjin excelled at school and received a scholarship to attend Arizona State University", my mom says looking nervous.

"That's awesome, he must be very smart, ASU is a great college", I say trying to get my mom to get to the point of this conversation. "Just like our family their family also has a business and your dad and Seokjin's dad have been in talks with each other for a few months now to somehow bring the two companies together, like you Seokjin will take over his families company as well, the problem is both companies are in trouble financially, we have been reading into all the legal statutes and working with our lawyers to figure out the best way to bring the companies together yet keep them as their own entities", my mom pauses and plays with her fingers, "we want to keep these companies above water not only for your futures but for your children and grandchildren's futures so I am asking you if you would consider an arranged marriage with Seokjin just until we can get both companies out of the red and back on top." 

"Marriage, to someone I knew 100 years ago, I don't know mom that's a little crazy, I don't even know anything about Seokjin", I say trying to process all of this information. "Tae listen it will only be for a short time, you are both young enough that after a year or two when both companies come out of the red you can get divorced and still be young enough to marry who you want", my mom defends, "the lawyers say that the marriage is the best way to strengthen both companies legally." "What does Seokjin think about this", I ask.


"Are you home honey", my mom calls out from the kitchen. "Yea just got home", I walk into the kitchen and she motions for me to sit. "What's going on Daisy", I ask. "Jinnie, do you remember back in grade school a boy named Taehyung", she asks. "The name doesn't ring a bell, why", I ask. She went on to explain everything about our families companies and then asked me about an arranged marriage with a kid that I haven't seen in over 10 years. "Wow Daisy, this is really heavy, can I have time to think about it", I ask. "Of course sweetheart, I understand this is a lot to take in and I am sorry for just dropping it on you", she says. 

I kissed her head and told her that I am going to go do my homework, I only have a couple weeks left until I graduate then mom and I are moving back home so that I can start work at Kim Industries with my dad. Kim Taehyung isnt a name that someone could forget but I just cant picture him, I wonder how he feels about it, I pull my phone out and check IG to see if he is on there, the name isn't showing up so he may be under a different name, I try Twitter too but again not populating a Kim Taehyung. 

I know that my dad has been talking to the CEO of Kim LLC, that must be Taehyung's dad, Ive heard him mention becoming a partnership to strengthen both companies and I guess if they feel a marriage is the best way to do it, then so be it. Daisy is right, when we dissolve the marriage in a year or two Ill still be young enough to be able to get remarried and start a family, its not like I am dating anyone anyway, I wonder if he is, that might get weird if he is. I don't want to interfere in his life or relationships but if he wants to do this, I will too. 

Taehyung, Seokjin

"Mom, I'll marry him", they both say. 

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