50 shades of donald

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Don dons pov

My lips trembled as I got on stage in front of all these people, my feet aching, my toes curling. The only thing helping me get over this was the thought of Joe and the rough night we had.
I went on stage and told the nation I identified as a vampire/fairy and then I got my cock out and squirted my cum all over the front row of people.

I walked away off stage.
Joeys pov

I saw his cock and god, this aching inside my ageing  balls appeared and I knew I needed to see him squirm under me. He was so powerful, and brave out there.
I walked down this long spiral staircase and pulled out my gun, slowly walking towards 50 shades of Donald. He lay there ass perched out for me and I walked closer, gun out and ready. I moved closer and stroked his wet hole and then  drove the tip inside of him. "You've been a bad boy today. Huh?"
"Y...y...esssss" don whimpered.
"You deserve to be punished, you filthy whore, for cumming on the crowd" I grab his face with my other hand and turn the side of his face to me "who gave you permission to cum on them?"
"N...n..no one" trump whined, and I shoved the gun deeper inside of him.
"Fuck joey!!!"he moaned
I let go of his face and started to stoke his cock and his hairy balls.
"AAAA, fuck yeah just like that!" He screamed
"Say my name" I pushed the gun deeper
"SAY MY FUCKING NAME YOU FILTHY SLUT"  I started to thrust the gun rapidly inside of him, trumps eyes rolling back, his toes curling, his eyes watering.
"FUCK YES JOEY OH GOD" trump screamed
I pulled the gun out and took my pants off and got my hairy cock out, I braided it just the way trump likes.
I thrust into him, in one deep stroke.

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