Weird ass dream🤡

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Its was a cliché cold dark night in a forest and I was walking with my friend Kelsey and her at the time boyfriend Troy, as we walked deeper into the forest it got colder and Kelsey cuddled up to Troy "Ughhhh its colddd." Kelsey complained

"I'll keep you warm~." Troy said wrapping his arms around Kelsey

"Alright love birds that's good, six feet save room for Jesus." I was grossed out I never liked Troy he would always be weird towards me but they both laugh and we got going.

Along the way I stayed mostly quite only speaking up to say things like "Shut up" or "Stop being so touchy feely" to Troy and Kelsey. At some point on our walk they started making out and being a little to hands on

"Ya'll are so gross" I stopped "Cool look a cabin!" I was excited it looked abandoned and I was up for a good ghost hunt or just exploring something abandoned.

They both looked at each other and smiled "I swear to god if ya'll go into that cabin and fuck, I'm leavening you guys here." In response i got a laugh

"Damn it you found out our plan!" Kelsey winked at Troy he nodded and we all started off the cabin.

We slowed our pace the closer to the cabin we got "Something feels off.." Troy pulled Kelsey back

"Whatever." Kelsey said walking right up to the front door and swinging it open.
We all piled in and Troy fumbled for a light switch to see if it would work then there was a shuffling noise

"Was that you?" Kelsey asked me

"No?" Troy tried turning on the light on and with a flicker I was surprised it worked in the run downed cabin but sitting on the couch in the dark were three men two of them had masks on and the other wore a mouth guard and goggles

"Shit.." I whispered

"Hey" The man in the white mask stood up from his spot on the couch, I watched the man in the black ski mask give him a gun

"Wait no we're sorry please no!" Kelsey started balling her eyes out Troy was trying to secretly open the door and I was there in the middle of this mess then a settle click caught my attention.
We all looked at the man in the white mask who's gun is now loaded me and Troy quickly stepped in front of Kelsey

"W-what do you want? I'll give you anything just...just don't hurt Kelsey." I mentally cured myself for stuttering and messing up my words

"Anything?" He tilted his head.

His voice was somewhat deep and you could tell he smoked I took more notice to the boy my age in the back he was making sudden jerky movements 'Alright his gun is loaded the boy in the back has what looks like hatchets and who knows what the guy in the ski mask has' I look around 'No weapons' A loud crack made everyone including the two men look back at the young boy.
I took this chance too jump to the door "Ah shit" The boy rubbed the side of his neck and I grabbed the door nob

"Don't move." I slowly turned around to face the man in the white mask who was holding the gun up to my forehead

"No!" Kelsey got in front of me and I could see the tears running down her face I backed up a bit and shoved Kelsey as hard as I could into that guy Kelsey tripped and fell onto him making him lose his balance and sending both of them to the floor.

The man with the black ski mask stood up but I didn't care I ran as fast as my legs would take me I heard the commotion from the cabin and then a gun shot echo out from the trees and then I heard screaming then another gun shot 'Kelsey oh my god' I felt bad but not bad enough to stop running, I soon heard running behind me 'It cannot be Kelsey so...they're giving chase' I didn't want to look behind me but the curiosity ate me up I didn't slow my running but I gave a quick glance behind me

"Fuck" I thought out loud they were right behind me I panicked and started zigzagging through the trees trying to lose them.

Running was the only thing on my mind but I was getting exhausted and they were still right behind me and my only hope was to get back to my car or too a another person I'd hear the tics from the kid with goggles now and then but all of a sudden they stopped the running just stopped I turned around to look and no one was there I slowed my run to a jog and stopped starring in the direction of the cabin 'Is it over? I'm I safe?' The questions flooded my brain I took in as much air as I could take I stumbled back and hit something hard and my heart sank I slowly turned around knowing exactly what or more who it was.

Just as I guessed one of the sickos from the cabin was behind me more specifically the one with the black ski mask who was taller than me "...Well hey" I looked at we're I assume his eyes were at and he swiftly grabbed my arms and held me down

"LET GO!" I start struggling and thrashing around then I see the other guys come out from behind him

"Good job Hoodie." The guy I now know as Hoodie nodded to the white masked man I struggled a little more then gave up. The boy with goggles came and bent down in front of me

"Are you g-giving up?" He stood up and I looked down at what he was holding, a wore out hatchet stained from most likely blood they shimmed in the moon light

"Like them?" he spun the hatchet around in his hand kind of showing off

"Yea there cool." I enjoy the little show and attempt to clap but couldn't. A sudden sharp pain hit me in the side I look down to where I felt it and dark red blood was dripping from the knife wound on my side

"I- WHAT THE FUCK!?" I gag at the sight of my own blood I stare up at who ever stabbed me and the guy in the white mask stood there holding a blood covered knife. A metallic taste filled my mouth and I felt sick. Hoodie let go of my arms and I tripped forwards

"Ow shit." I grab my bloody side I attempt to kick at the guy in the white mask

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE I DIDN'T DESERVE THAT YOU BITCH!" I start screaming and threating him

"Where the hell did you get that anyways!?" He shrugs and walks off

"Wait where are you going, you can't just kill my friends, stab me and then walk away!" It didn't matter what I said or did I couldn't see him any more he was gone and so were Hoddie and the boy with goggles.

You can tell its rushed sorry its poorly written but it is just a rewrite of a dream I had so that's why it jumps around a lot also the characters are not mine and belong to the authors/creators same goes with the art.❤️☺️

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