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" Ember, late again?" Collin said with a grin across his face.

"I'm here aren't I."

"Guys, not now. Here's the plan, there's this house not to far down the street. The family has been on vacation for weeks and aren't coming home anytime soon. Collin and I will keep watch, while Ember, you go in and grab shit. simple." Anna stated.

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

We all walked from the store to our location, the house. Collin and Anna stayed outside while I went though the back door.

Anna's pov.
Collin walked around the house leaving me behind.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"What's the big deal, the family isn't gonna be back, so let's have fun." He said as I ran up to him.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Whatever lets go."

We saw a big trampoline, as Collin got on.

"Come on!" He shouted

"Oh what the hell." I chuckled and got on the trampoline with him.

Embers pov.
I quickly went through the back door and into a very large living room.

"Woah" I muttered under my breath. I looked around for anything valuable, and made my move. I jumped when I heard footsteps upstairs.

"Shit, someone's in the house." I mumbled.

I heard a loud siren, piercing my ears. No, not the cops. I quickly made a run for the back door when I heard,

"Come out with your hands up! now!"


"Shit, not the cops! lets get out of here!" Yelled Anna as I jumped off the trampoline.

"What about Ember!" I said as we ran to the side of the house.

"Forget her, we need to save ourselves!"


I stayed inside the house, trying to figure out what to do. I have no time. Seconds later, I see police men rushing through the door, as I stood still. One cop put me in cuffs and another stood by my side, holding my arm in his grip. I'm screwed.
I stood in the rusty jail cell as the police man sat at his desk, a few feet away.

"Can I get my call now?"

"Sure, just a second." He stood up and unlocked my cell, leading me to the phone. After a few rings later..


"Mom, I need you to pick me up."

"Ember, what's wrong, what did you do?"

"I kinda got arrested." I explained. I heard a long beep on the other line. She hung up on me. I was put back in the cell until my mom was here.

After minutes of waiting, my mom arrived and took me home. She wouldn't talk the whole way home.

"I'm going up to my room."

"Get back here."


"What do you mean, what? Are you crazy. You can ruin my reputation around town! You will ruin my chances of winning the campaign!" she shouted as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your stupid campaign! "Heather white, I can get the job done." I can get the job done my ass." I snapped back

"Don't talk to me that way. I didn't raise you to be like this."

"Yeah, you didn't raise me at all. " I mumbled and started going upstairs.



"What the hell is this?" I asked as I saw multiple bags packed on top of my bed.

"Since you caused trouble, I don't want anyone knowing about it. It can put my reputation in a bad place. I want people to look at me as a responsible mother."

"So what, your gonna throw your daughter onto the streets!"

"Of course not, if people found out-" I cut her off.

"Yeah mom, I know! It would ruin your stupid ass reputation, and your dumb campaign!" I shouted

She cleared her throat and said, "your going to stay with your dad for awhile."

"Dad? He lives 5 hours away! What about my friends, my school!"

"school? You don't give a damn about it. Friends? What friends? You call two people who left you to get arrested friends?"

"What kind of mother would abandon her child like this?"

"Oh stop being so dramatic. Spending time with your father will do you some good."


"But nothing, your going and that's final." She slammed the door.

That's how it always was with me and my mother, her word was final. I could never have a say. He word was final even if it was about me and my future. All she ever cared about was how people perceived her. She would do anything if her "reputation" was at steak. Like even shipping her one, and only daughter to live with someone else.

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