Episode Two

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Ichigo faced his window at the top of Las Noches in the middle of the night. the clouds covered the full moon but he didn't even care or knew that the moon would be a source of hope for him.

As he walked back to his bed, he felt shivers run down his body but he didn't know why...

'crack' He stopped frozen in his tracks. 'what was that?', he asked instinctively touching his mask.

He felt it.... A crack on his mask. what did it mean??.

Meanwhile Hime was still in the garden asleep she felt a hand caress her face. It felt so warm she wanted to melt in the hand that held her then she heared a female voice

"Your new name is called Orihime meaning the Weaver princess and you shall save one that has been cursed by the soul king himself....."

' Orihime.... wait.... what... Soul king ... What's going on here
What am I meant to do?!....Save who.....'

In a faint voice....

"The ruler of Hueco Mundo....."

Ichigo laid on his bed restless, he didn't know what the crack meant. It was still 3am in the morning and he decided to go in a stroll in the palace courtyard.

Following the path he stumbled across an old building where he'd come to hide when things were stressful and was eating up inside. He pushed open the door gently creaking echoes announcing his entrance. He took the stairs and climbed to the top of the tower and took in the marvelous scenery of the clear sky with the moon shining over the whole kingdom. It was really a sight to behold.

He looked downwards and noticed a silhouette moving across the palace gardens into the castle. "I wonder the fool that dates to cross my threshold without my permission". Eyes glaring with anger at the intursion of his personal property Ichigo decided to pay the visitor a visit.

"Hello... Onichan.... Anyone home". She walked in the almost deserted looking home in search of Sora but there was no one there. She walked outside and bumped into her friend Tatsuki

"Hey Tatsuki, have you seen my brother, he's not home". " Well he said he was going to look  for you after he finished running some errands. By the way where have you been?" Tatsuki asked worried. Hime now Orihime lifted two baskets of fruits and vegetables "I went to pick up these in the forest but I think I got lost or I slept off  without knowing and when I came to the day was already like this".

"Anyway if you're looking for him, I suggest you check the castle cos that where I saw him heading".

Orihime froze 'The castle, what's he doing there. Oh I hope he's not going to do something stupid'. She ran off.

"So what buisness do you have with the castle. Huh". Ichigo asked a wounded Sora laying in the castle dungeon. "H- Hime".

"Tch, don't have your time. Urahara-san, please arrange some guards I don't....."

" Let me in..... I said let me in... Onichan... I'm coming". "Who's there and what's going on" Urahara asked Tessai.

"There's a woman her..", "A woman" Urahara's eyes glittered "please bring her in on my orders".

She ran in and he pointed her to where her brother was laying. " Onichan, please I beg of you open the gate and let me".

"No he won't". A loud voice came from the dark stairway cutting her off.

"Please I beg of you if you don't let me in, he's going to die and I can't afford to lose him. He's all I got left". "He's being punished for trespassing on Royal property and besides there is nothing I can do when he's like that" Urahara added.

"Please let me I'll do anything, I'll even stay in his stead, just let me help him"

Ichigo smirked from where he was watching; "So, you're willing to take your brothers place in this dungeon, is that what you're telling me. " Yes" Orihime replied

"It's the least I can do for all he's been through for me". "Very well". Urahara gave Tessai the order to release him and open the gate for her.

"Onichan, onichan, please open your eyes". Sora painfully opened his eyes to see Hime "Hime... Hi.." he coughed out some blood "Shhh it's alright". She held his hand "You can go I've paid the price". "The price.... What price did you pay.. Hime" he became agitated

"No, my name is not Hime, it's Orihime now and I have a duty to fulfill as your younger sister. Consider this thanks for all you've done". A guard came and took him out and locked her in and that's when he realized she took his place

"No,No, Orihime please don't do this. You're all I have." He tried to pull away with all his might but it was to no avail.

"Orihime" he groaned as tears fell from his eyes "Goodbye onichan, I love you". Ichigo froze at the mention of those words.

She sat down in her cell and cried, Ichigo went up to his room and Urahara walked away from the scene but before he left he saw two blue star shaped pins on her head. His eyes widened with shock.

I wonder what the Weaver herself has planned for us....

Chapter Two complete and chapter three in tow. Sorry for the late update just finished writing an exam and preparing for another so updates are going to be slow but I'll promise to be as fast as possible.

I'm so, so, so happy. I've got twelve readers. I'm over the moon right now🙃🙃🙃. Continue to like, vote, comment and keep on supporting me.

I love you all ❤️❤️

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