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Chapter 5

Field Trip

The hassle amongst the students who were currently lined up in front of the school bus was evident. It was 75° outside and the scorching summer temperature wasn't helping with the irritation they were feeling. The bus driver was supposed to arrive at seven thirty and it was already eight.

Akemi was holding onto Ae Ri who was busy scrolling on her phone. She let out a huff. "I'm bored," the girl whined before kicking a pebble on the ground.

"How long are they going to keep us waiting?" She added.

"I woke up early for nothing," Ae Ri stated with an annoyed expression.

Akemi scanned her surroundings out of apathy. Just like her, the other students looked annoyed and haggard, especially with the hot temperature. Summer  is a great season, no doubt. It's the weather she absolutely despised.

"Nope, I can't do this. I'll take a short nap inside, okay? Just wake me up later." She whispered to Ae Ri, stalked away from the crowd and entered the bus, seating herself comfortably on her assigned seat.

God, I'm sweating all over.

She plugged the ear bud into her ears and soon after, she was in dreamland.

Time Skip

"Eurgh.." Akemi moaned in delight as she stretched her legs straight. Her lids were heavy but she forced to keep them open as she finally awoke from her slumber. "Why is it so shaky?" She whispered, lulling back into sleep.


She gasped in pain. "Ow! What the heck, Ae Ri!"

Her eyes almost popped out of its socket as she faced Ni-ki who was side-eyeing her as he continued to play on his phone.

"You! Why are you here! And why are you sitting beside me?"

"Geez, tone down will you?" He sneered. "So fucking loud."

Akemi leaned back in both amusement and shock. "Wow... just, wow. Where's Ae Ri?"

He cocked his head at their front. "With her honey-bunch."


Akemi mentally giggled at the label.

"Care to tell why you're here? And why did you flick my forehead!"

He shrugged. "You're head's pretty heavy. I had to."

"What are you even talking about?"

"I guess my shoulder was too comfortable for you to sleep on. I'm not even surprised." He leaned into her, "It's called working out. You should try it sometime."

Akemi flipped him off before distancing herself away from him, getting close to the window as much as she can. "Jerk."

It was probably already lunch time when they arrived at their field trip's destination. Akemi had to convince herself it was worth joining this activity despite the horrible choice of location.

They were in a suburb. A small town filled with greenery and small roads. To be honest, it wasn't all bad. However, she kind of expected more of a museum-type of field trip.

Apparently, there was a hiking spot near the mountains just a couple hundred meters away from the area. It was relieving news for her since the teachers also mentioned something about fireworks.

"This trip is such bullshit."

She raised her brows at her nemesis. "How so?"

"No one exactly likes partaking in a three hour road trip just to walk another hour into god-knows-where."

"You're being dramatic. An hour is an exaggeration."

He shrugged. "You get my point."

"Plus, it's not like we're going to be just hiking. You heard miss Hyein. There's fireworks and games," she stated excitedly.

Ni-ki eyed her. "You're such a kid."

"And you think you're such an adult just because you're a retarded nincompoop?"

He gave her a knowing look. "Nincompoop? Really? Is that all your brain cells could come up with?"

"Stop it, you two."

Ae Ri came between them, swinging her arm around Akemi's back. Ni-ki didn't need to be told twice. He fled from both girls before stalking to his friend's direction. Jungwon and Sunoo, specifically.

"Remind me to set him on fire later when we set up those fireworks."

Ae Ri let out a giggle. "I forgot to tell you but me and Win are going to have a little date later."

"Dang. Does this mean I'm going to have to spend firework-gazing alone?"

"You can always run to your other bestie," Ae Ri wiggled her brows suggestively.


"Ni-ki, duh."

Akemi furiously shook her head. "Puh-lease. The last thing I'd want to be with is him... but hey! I could use that as an excuse to get close to him, and finally get rid of him by setting his clothes on fire."

"Whatever you say. Oh, and we're spending the night in the tents."

"What! In the mountains?"

Sunoo joined in their conversation. "Yep. You didn't hear?

"I was... busy."

"Yeah, busy with a certain someone," Ae Ri nudged her.

"Ooh~ I'm all in for the gossip. Do tell," he replied with a teasing smirk.

Of course, Ae Ri had to beat Akemi to it. "Well, his name starts with 'N'--"

"Give it a rest, riri," Akemi snapped. "Let's just eat lunch, okay? I don't want to talk about him."

"I'm assuming it's Ni-ki?"

"Yes, Sunoo. That slimy jerk with no life," Akemi pointed out as a matter-of-factly.

"Excuse you, but this jerk has probably lived more than you have."

Speaking of the devil.

Ni-ko and Jungwon had joined in too. Akemi shyly backed away as she felt herself staring into Jungwon's eyes. Gosh darn, how easy it was for him to pull her in like that. Just with his gaze, she was sure she fell ten times faster than she ever did before.

"Hi, Akemi," Jungwon greeted.

"H-hey! I mean... hey."

Ae Ri stifled a laugh at her friend's mistake. She thought it was cute how feisty Akemi was to Ni-ki but did a complete 360 when Jungwon came. Ae Ri knew about her admiration for the Student Council President. The little rants she'd make about him. The way she'd tell their interactions to her. She found it adorable. Akemi was like a little sister to her.

Ni-ki on the other hand bursted into fits of laughter. That's what Akemi found weird. His eyes looked angry but he was laughing.

"You try too hard just to sound cute," he said in between laughs.

Akemi felt herself go red upon hearing his comment. She looked away from Jungwon before glaring daggers at Ni-ki. "I swear, if you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to choke you with my own hands," she threatened through gritted teeth.

"Oh... oh. I like that stuff."

"T-that's not what I meant! Jesus Christ. Let's just go, Ae Ri."

I'm going to murder him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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