2: Has Anyone Ever Told You You're Beautiful

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Japan, 1931

It felt very much like spring in the front yard of the traditional Japanese house. A single bird sang from somewhere in the distance, and the sweet fragrance of plum blossoms filled the air. The estate had all the markings of a family living with status, from the meticulously maintained garden to the family crest carved into the outdoor eaves.

It was Henry's fourth year of being nineteen and his twenty-fifth year since birth, but he still felt like a child following behind his benefactor and adoptive father, Dr. Herschel, as the housekeeper led them inside to meet the master.

He wasn't nervous, but he was wary. Wary of the beauty of this home. Wary of the sudden invite to vacation in a foreign country. Wary of being led along to meet someone "from old times." Wary of whether today would be the day Dr. Herschel revealed that he had taken Henry in not to make amends but to cultivate a tool.

Just as the housekeeper moved to announce their presence before a set of shoji doors, the doors slid open to reveal an older Japanese man in a three piece suit and round spectacles. He smiled at Dr. Herschel who smiled back as if they shared some secret between them.

"I am delighted to have you visit," the Master of the house said in accented English. "Mr. William Herschel." They shook hands with notably strong grips and then glanced at Henry.

"My son, Henry," Dr. Herschel introduced.

Henry nodded politely and shook the man's hand.

"Henry, this is Dr. Takeshiro Sugiyama."

Dr. Sugiyama's gaze scanned Henry's face and body. A trace of pity flashed through his briefly fallen smile. He turned back to Dr. Herschel.

"Mr. William, you have raised a fine young man. From appearance and intellect my son can compete, but he lacks the discipline and poise Young Master Henry exudes."

Dr. Herschel shook his head in humility but before he could speak anything of Dr. Sugiyama's son, the other man spoke to Henry.

"My son Kenjiro is upstairs. I think he may benefit from a chat with an upstanding peer."

Henry glanced at Dr. Herschel and received an short nod, so bowed and excused himself. Another servant came quickly to escort him upstairs. Glimpsing over his shoulder, he saw Dr. Sugiyama gesturing Dr. Herschel towards a sofa in the Western-style parlor. Their secretive grins were back.

Henry followed the servant up the stairs and to a solid fusuma door. Without saying a word, she bent her waist then departed, leaving the door half ajar. Henry assumed that Kenjiro Sugiyama must be inside and decided to enter.

Only after sliding open the door did he realize the bird song he had heard from the yard was even clearer from this room. Wondering if young Kenjiro kept a pet, he stepped inside and was met with a scene worthy of a painting.

Dressed in a navy colored men's kimono was a masculine but youthful figure wistfully reclining over the open window's sill. In front of the figure were a tea set and writing materials atop a Japanese tea table. Two walls were lined with countless manuscripts and one corner spared room for a floor-level writing desk.

The single window framed a sea of clouds and rustling green leaves. Nestled between the foliage, perched upon a branch was the feathered vocalist.

Alone, it was a pleasantly aesthetic sight. But the figure morphed the scene into something new. Suddenly this cozy, scholarly room became a prison for beauty and blockade to freedom. This newly implanted idea in Henry's head only became stronger when the figure finally spared his visitor a glance.

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