Not your typical girl

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Chaptah one, bro.

I'm 17.

I don't need anyone bossing me around, especially my aunt. Of course she loves to tell me what to do, argh when I'm 18 life will be so much better... My trust fund and my ways, but sometimes I wonder if I can wait that long. I'm just too angry right now and so, I'll let my attitude kick in.

"Listen here chum, I am taking care of you, not your father, not foster care, and certainly not your mother, you respect me! You pick up your clothes and do your laundry-you" I cut her off, seeing as how I did my laundry... Infact she didn't even do hers. "Me? You mean YOU. You didn't do your laundry, and I'm not washing your dirty clothes for you" I quickly added a polite grin, after realizing what I had said. Her eyebrows started to shift closer "And who do you think you are? My roof my..." She went on and on for all I know. I quietly went up the stairs. Well, truthfully I don't care for that lady. She doesn't

provide for me, I am paying most of the bills, her rent is mostly paid by the government and I pay the other half. Who is this evil witch ? Wicked woman must I add. You know what, I'm sick of this. One day I'll just... and I'd continue my thought but she noticed my disappearance. The annoying voice began "You wanna leave the conversation? Come here, NOW... Leah... C-Come here before I come get you!" She threatened. So I came down the stairs, taking my time. I swear this house was just a box with two floors... By the time I reached down stairs I smirked. "Yes Laurel?" I asked. "I was talking to you, where is your manners?" Laurel asked. Hm my manners? Lets see, no one has ever taught me those. All I'm left with is attitude, yep alright.

"Sorry Laurel" I apologized - sadly doing so.

"Now you go on..." She said. Pointless really, why did I even come down?

I went back up stairs opened my vintage dresser, taking out my brush.

I took out all the blonde hairs stuck inside. Not the prettiest sight.

My hair was wavy. I didn't really straighten it. I lovrd my beach waves. I didn't wanna be one of those girls that burnt off their hair from heat damage, so i NEVER straigthened it, brushinf almost got rid of my waves. I mean I had pretty long healthy hair... The only typical thing about me was being caucasian in the town of Mirchess, a little town located outside of Florida. I was 5'6, with pink full lips and I had tan skin. I used to live in Oklahoma until I was 7, when I lived with my mom before Childrens Aid had taken me away from her. My dad, well who knew where he was... My aunt took me, I used to thank her for that, but now I see why she did - only for the money.

I kept brushing my hair, staring at myself.

I didn't see anything wrong with me.

But my aunt did. I was a size 5-7 i shifted between.

Sometimes I was too skinny - and she'd say that when I was in a body hugging dress that showed off my curves and sometimes I was too big and she'd usually say that whenever I wore baggy clothes.

She hated my face, she'd say remarks like "you little guppy, shut that face" and I'm not even talking about her when she's drunk...


Lucky I have friends.

I have a friend named Tiffany, she's the best friend you could ever had. Her dark-chocolate hair pretty much swooned alot of the boys.

Yeah she was rich, and she was also trustworthy which was very rare in Mirchess, probably the only reason why I never had a boyfriend. She made me feel confident, she made me feel like I had something to live for, trust me; everyone can use an uplifting Tiffany.

Then there was Lucy... The Joker of us all, she made me laugh, her smile was incredible - definitely her best feature, she wasn't shy at all, infact she loved calling people out and lets not forget about her boyfriend, the peanut to her belly (she was obsessed with peanuts). Troy was very funny as well - cute couple might I add. But Troy wasn't really funny as in the "haha - nice joke"... No Troy was the punchline, we'd either find him with a booger in his nose or something pretty embarrassing like this one time - you know what I'll save that for another time. Point is Troy and Lucy are inseparable meaning whenever we do something with Lucy, Troy is there, without doubt. I was close with Lucy, but closer to Tiffany the same way she was with Troy.

I plopped my head on my pillow with my legs following on my twin-sized


Lalala, bored and it's Thursday. Yes yes, tomorrow is FRIDAY! Thank God...

I'll text Tiff, maybe she'll wanna go out? Maybe...

"TIFFANY I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN" I texted her. In an instant of about 10 seconds she replied.


I grinned right away, just what I needed, a little Tiffany in my life.

"THINKIN THE SAME THING GURL WHERE U WANNA GO?" I texted back. We always text each other in this format, even though we never speak... like that - well unless joking!

"IM THINKIN ABOUT... MCDONALDS? I GOTZ $40 :( SPENT THE REST" she shortly responded.

"SURE I GOT $4.00" I replied.

"HAHA, GUESS IM BUYIN" she texted back.

And we met up at Indirie road, we walked to McDonald's.

We ordered our food and sat down when all of a sudden... we heard a "TROY, PLEASE NO! DON'T DO IT!" I knew Tiffany and I were thinking the same thing, it was a small town but there was probably another Troy... and that did not sound like Lucy.


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