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"Cover it well or we're going down on the first day" she said getting off the counter. " Louder?" He asked instead. " Moan louder" she answered shamelessly. " Is that what you're even supposed to say?" He laughed. " I'm usually the dominant one , love" she answered messing around with a  few ingredients. " You said dominance was your cover. You want to protect yourself from me as well?" He asked glumly. "It was a cover but, I like the thought of you under me" she flirted. The color flushed into his cheeks. He was usually the one flirting with everyone not the other way round. He smiled with satisfaction. He held her from behind. 

"You really like my waist don't you?" she asked. "I never realized how much I liked holding you like this until the day you wore the sare" he mumbled. "It's saree not sare honey" she replied ."What's with the nicknames?" he asked. "Don't tell me you prefer the nickname baby boy?" she asked turning sideways. "Stop being a flirt. Let me do my job" he said. "I'm intending to make you jobless" She retorted. "Try me" he said kissing her neck. "I just wanted a snack before the food got here" Taehyung wailed clutching on to himself. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked looking at the wailing Taehyung. "Oh that" he said looking at the couple standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"I need bleach" taehyung wailed loudly. "Tsk Drama queen" alesha said. "I 'd gladly help you" Jimin replied. " He's scary" she commented. "But in tiny" Jungkook added as they laughed. "Are you supposed be laughing at your boyfriend being roasted?" he said angrily raising an eyebrow. That was more than enough to shut her up. "And you.." he said turning to look at the petrified Taekook duo. "Never mind. Stop messing around you two" he sighed at the sight of the two scared ones looking cute. He left the room. "I felt like I couldn't breathe " she said heaving heavily. "He's really scary when he's angry" taehyung reminded. "Says the one that angered him" she scoffed. "Overwatch?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, I guess we should give him some time to cool off" she said taking along a few packets with her. "You eat a lot" taehyung laughed as he snatched a packet and ran off. 

Jimin's POV:

I walked out of the kitchen angrily. I went back to my room. Yoongi was sleeping and I could hear his soft snores. Shouldn't she be coming after me to calm me down? Why isn't she here? Did I scare her too much? Would she....? No, no don't think of such things on your first day. I stared at the ceiling for a few moments before water started pooling in. Shit, I really want to ask her all that I'm thinking about. I buried my head in my arms. 

Two arms went around me and hugged me close. Yoongi. "What's wrong buddy?" he asked softly. "Hyung, I don't know what to do.... I have so much to clarify. But, it's like our first day and I don't want to ruin it." I sobbed holding onto his sweater. "See if it's what you think, you should clarify it. It wouldn't be good to hold a misunderstanding now would it?" he said drawing circles on my back.  "No but..... what if she thinks I'm an overthinker or something. Would she... leave me?" I sobbed. "If you are an overthinker, then that's your true self. If she can't accept your true self , is it really love? See in a relationship when you accept a person, you accept them with the flaws. If you have to hide your true thoughts in the relationship, then it's going to become toxic .And opening up to each other would only make your bond stronger .Moreover she won't. You've known her long enough to know that she won't." He said holding my face in his palms and looking me in the eye. "You're right. Thanks hyung" I said wiping my face with my sleeve. "Go get her tiger " Yoongi said slightly pushing me. "Sorry chick not tiger" he added making me laugh as well. I gave him a tight hug and muttered a thanks as I got out. 

"Yahh Jimin help me with this!" Jin yelled as soon as he saw me. I helped him as he struggled with the food packages.

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