Bring me back what is mine!

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*in the meantime, ratchet, clank, and their friends, returned to the base to reflect on what they had seen*

Ratchet: that kind of portal is undoubtedly a trap, you saw it too, if we had entered who knows what would have happened

Rivet: I'm sorry for not thinking about it, I...

Ratchet: it's ok, *he say placing his soft hand on Rivet' shouder* we all miss home

Rivet: yeah. . . I guess you are right, but I couldn't call it home if you... um...if you... if you were not there with me. * the Lombax said watching the ground, embarassed a little by what she said*

Ratchet: oh... um, Rivet... I- I don't know how to say. . *he say while he goes closer to her*

Fer: *whispering to Luna* let's go, I don't want to disturb them..

Luna: you are right, ratchet was almost losing her today, poor him... * she said By lowering her long ears"

Fer: yeah.... you are right, well... let's go to sleep, is pretty late anyway...

Luna: yeah, it is. Clank, Kit, are you two coming with us?

Clank: yes, let's go, Kit.

Kit: mhm...

*Fer, Luna, Kit and Clank went back to their tents, and after a while they fell asleep, everyone except Kit*

Kit: ( is there a way out of here? who knows what Nefarious must be doing right now? and how can his father be still?)

* suddenly, clank woke up and interrupted Kit's flow of thoughts.*

Clank: Kit? are you ok?

*clank turned his head and looked at Kit as he spoke, both of them were still inside Rivet's tent, both, in fact, wanted to wait for their friends, before falling asleep.*

Kit: oh yeah, everything is fine, I was just thinking about something... and you?

Clank: yeah, me too,  I can't stop thinking about Ratchet... you saw him too... he is so weak... he always pass out... I don't know what to do...

Kit: yeah, I am worried too... I don't know what to do about him... I could not help him at all...

Clank: Ranthet and I, we know a lot of skilled doctors, but if we are blocked here...

Kit: yeah, i know, we have to go back to our dimension, and I was wondering...  maybe there are other portals here...

Clank: I don't know... but I hope we can go back to our dimension soon


Regi: Boss, here is the jem, let's be careful now

*Nefarious puts the gem in a cubic vessel, which his father had given him before he left*

Nefarious: we are done here, let's go back!


* Ratchet and Rivet did not know about Nefarious and Regi, they were already focused  Were focused on talking and hugging each other *

Rivet: you know... until now I've always tried to hide it, but I'm afraid of this situation, of- of this place. the only reason I can go on is because you're here with me, I- I mean it

Ratchet:  * smiles at those kind words* Rivet, I-I feel the same, I honestly am scared off all this too, of- of whatever is happening to me lately... you- you helped me a lot,  and i am still alive thanks to you and... and-

*Rivet place a finger on his lips, as to say " shut up" *

Rivet: Ratchet... I will always be here for you, always.

*she gets even closer to him, and caress his cheeks*

*she gets even closer to him, and caress his cheeks*

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Rivet: can we... stay like this for a bit longer?

* In all response, He just purred a bit, and this made her understand that he liked it as much as her*

* some time passed *

Rivet: this was the best time I had since we are here in this... place.

Ratchet: *yaawn* yeah I think the same, my love.

Rivet: wh- what did you just said?

* trying to hide her red cheeks *

Ratchet: oh um... I just... I was-

Rivet: shut up, you silly.

*she kisses Ratchet in the front head to express her feelings to him, still blushing*

Ratchet: Rivet... close your eyes...

*Rivet does what the Lombax said, expecting something good to happen*

*Rivet does what the Lombax said, expecting something good to happen*

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Rivet: I love you, Ratchet!

Ratchet: Rivet... I- I love you too. And I promise we will go back together. Me, you, and the others, too.

#2. R&C: TOGETHER. A RIVETCH STORYWhere stories live. Discover now