Chapter 4

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My feet hit the ground harder and faster every time a second passes. I could feel the softness of the soil beneath my old, ratty shoes. The sun beat harshly on me since I was exposed.

The only think I was trying not to think about crept up in the back of my mind again. Her. The girl. I don't remember her name but I remember her. I could never forget her. I chuckle to myself and rush down the dirt path in the park. I thought of her brown hair as it softly blew back from the wind and those hazel eyes swarming my every thought. She was there and she saw me. She saw me hanging on Lexi drunk out of my mind. Why was I so stupid?

I ran faster when my lungs started to burn. The wind whistled around me as I dodge stranded sticks in the middle of the pathway. There was no one out this early yet and I appreciated it. I needed to be alone. I needed to push myself to clear my head. Another gust of wind struck my face as I slowed down. My feet carried me at a light jog down the path.

I knew once I go home Lexi would still be there. I contemplated going home and avoiding her before she left for Oregon tonight, but once I thought it over my feet were moving in the direction of my large apartment complex. The wind was slowly dying down when I pulled out my phone from my gym shorts pocket. 6:13 In the morning.

A sigh of disappointment flooded out of my mouth as I saw people exiting their homes this early. I watch a husband say goodbye to his wife with a kiss on her cheek and he slid into his car without another word. Her eyes were filled with joy, warmth, and love for the man who was now pulling out of their town home driveway. I shake my head to not think about love. Love never ends up good. For all that woman knows her husband could be cheating on her. I scoff while continue to walk down the side walk.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out to find Lexi's name flashed across the screen. I decline it. I don't want to talk to her, let alone see her. I run my fingers through my thick hair before heading up the stairs.

On my way up the stairs to my apartment a couple of kids, around age twelve, rush past me laughing and screaming with each other. I groan and pick up my pace. I finally reach my door and swing it open. An irritated look fills my face as I realize I'm going to have to face Lexi.

I slam the door to indicate I don't want to be talked to but that doesn't stop her. I walk into the kitchen to find her making breakfast. Her blonde hair was in a tight pony tail on her head while she wore a light green shirt. The shirt went down to her thighs so you couldn't see the pants that she wore. I roll my eyes annoyed.

"Harry, you're home." She smiles mixing the eggs in a silver bowl. Her eyes search my features as I stop in front of the kitchen's island. "I'm making breakfast." She speaks softly trying not to anger me.

"Not hungry." I answer. I could tell that she picked up on my foul mood by the way the corners of her mouth fell. She pours the eggs in the black pan. "What time is your flight?" I change the subject.

"7:45PM." She says with her back to me. I nod even though she can't see me. "Harry-"

"Have you packed?"

"Yes I have but Harry why don't we spend time together today." She sighs in frustration.

"I have things to do." I mumble loudly and walk towards my room.

"You really are the worst cousin ever." She huffs angrily before I could shut my door. She knows she trying to guilt trip me. She always done that even when we were little. I rip the white shirt over my head and throw it into the wooden laundry basket.

Lexi spent a week down in Florida with her friends and her aunt thought it would be "fun" to have her stop here at my place for a week before heading back home to Oregon. I was shocked when my aunt called and told me Lexi would be showing up at the airport. I could've just left her to spend the week in the airport but I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her.

I turn on the water in the shower. Waiting for it to warm up I shove my shorts off and throw them to the side. Stepping into the shower my hand finds the shampoo and my mind finds the hazel eyes that stared at me yesterday.


The drive to the airport quiet other than the radio softly playing. Lexi had her head pressed against the window the whole time. She tried conversing with me but I brushed her off every time. She finally gave up when we sat down in the airport. Lexi struggles to put her hair back in her tight pony tail that she always wears. I watch the people around me socialize.

A women in a red dress hugs another women. They look like sisters. They exchange sorrow looks towards each other for a last time before the girl in black turns around and walks to the gate. The red dress woman wiped her tears from her now puffy face as she watched her companion walk away.

My thoughts were cut off by Lexi talking, "Harry it's time for me to go." My eyes scan back across the airport and land on her small face. She slings her carry on over her shoulder and stands up. I hesitantly stand up and wrap my arms around her. I know she's shock by the way a small gasp leaves her mouth. I pull away faster than I hugged her.

"Be safe." I mumble quietly enough for her to hear.

"Thanks Harry. I'll call you when I land." Her smile is bright but not bright enough to light up the big room we stand in. I nod even though I don't want her to call me. She turns her head and heads toward the gate. Now I'm left alone, all by myself.

Just how I like it.

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