Chapter 2

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"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" I ask the strawberry blonde that just walked in. Her eyes beamed at me as her smile reached her sun burnt ears. Light pink clouded her use to be pale cheeks.

She shook her head, "No, thank you though." She rushed to the back of the store to the romance novels. She seemed like she was on a mission. Mission reminded me of Nora. She was to leave soon to visit her brother up in Pennsylvania. Him and his wife just had another baby to the family. With already three kids, I don't know if I could ever have that many children.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as the girl approaches the counter. She places three romance books from one series on the counter. I notice her nails that were painted a light pink. I should treat myself with a manicure. After I get all the way unpacked.

"Did you find everything alright?" I ask, even though I know she did. The girl walked in here with determination on her pink face. She smiles.

"Yes I did thank you. By any chance are you hiring here?" She asks catching me off guard. Hers eyes bright and smile wide. Part of her bangs fall down in her face once more and she tucks them behind her ear.

"I can get the manager if you would like." I finish ringing up her books and look up at her again. "Your total is $12.83."

"Yes please that would be nice." She digs in her purse and hands me the exact change. "Here you go." I place it in the cash register and push the bag of romance novels across the slick counter.

"I'll be right back."

I walk back to the back room to find Mary with her fingers quickly typing against the keyboard. I knock on the door to readjust he attention. Her eyes flutter up and a small smile appears on her face.

"There is a girl asking for a manager out front."

"Oh thank you." She stands quietly and walks out of the room. I follow behind her to notice a few more people have entered the shop including the boy from yesterday. With a pair of kaki shorts and another white shirt he strolls pass the books on the shelves. His eyes are bright as they were yesterday and he notices me with a smile. I take in a small breath when his pearly white teeth come into sight. I nod and smile at the blonde.

I notice a boy standing by the door who's wearing a black, tight fitting shirt with black skinny jeans. My face scrunches together when I think of how hot it is outside. How could he be wearing all black on a day like this?

"Do you need help with anything?" I ask politely. His brown eyebrows pull together with confusion. A red blush creeps on my face by the way he is looking at me. His green eyes stare down at me as I wait for a response.

He shakes his head, "I'm with him." He extends his long arm and points. My gaze follows his finger to meet the pair of baby blue eyes I saw minutes ago walking towards us.

"Is he giving you any trouble miss?" The blonde asks me. "I'm Niall. This is my best friend Harry." He motions to the tall curly headed boy. He towered over me. He must be at least six foot.

My face must have seemed shocked from the way his turned into a playful grin. I shake my head to focus.

"Uh," I stutter "No. No trouble. Just wanted to know if he needed anything." I say quickly. I hear a scoff behind me. My eyes shoot towards the tall boy again. His arms were crossed and he stood proudly looking down at me for what felt like the millionth time. The green eyes move to Niall with a glare.

"Thank you so much for your time." Niall said nicely. "I'll be back later this week."

I nod confused. The boy, Harry, stared at me. I felt his green eyes burn a hole in the side of my head as I spoke with Niall. I finally return his stare. I take in the features of his face for the first time. His eyes were beautiful like a sea of green but they seemed duller than they should have. His plump lips were parted ever so slightly to let out the air he breathed in. I couldn't deny he was attractive.

"Nice meeting you two." I mumble and force a grin on my face. Niall nodded and walked out followed by Harry. He seemed distressed but still very alive. More alive than most people but also very closed off. I sigh when the chime of the bell goes off again as three young girls come strolling through the door.

As the day goes on, my body gets more tired and my brain is swirling with the thought of green eyes and brown curls.

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