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"Are you certain that you wish for her to attend the event?" the witch on the other end of the mirror call placed her fingertips on her nose and sighed. "you still have not given me a proper reason as to why I wouldn't want her there."

The great wizard sat back and gasped. "I have recalled to you what she did as a child, she broke the most important rule in the witches code." The witch chuckled to herself. "That was thirty years ago, she has since made up for her mistake and I feel as if we should give her a second chance. Wouldn't that be fair?" she flashed as polite a smile as she could manage.

The great wizard scoffed and mumbled to himself. "I still dislike her." the witch tilted her head and stretched her smile as wide as she could. "wouldn't it be fair, Willinfred?" he grumbled to himself before looking down. "yes, miss Thornbush. It would be fair."

She made a humming noise before continuing what she was saying. "Now, to ensure that she does receive an invitation, I will be sending it. I will request her to be there a day early as it is her first time attending so she can get settled and be taught how this competition works. I that alright with you Willinfred?"

He groaned at the thought of having to deal with Hecate for longer than he thought was necessary. "of course it is, Miss Thornbush." She laughed into her hand slightly. "well, now that that is settled, I will say goodbye and carry on brewing that wishing star you requested. '' he hummed before waving as she faded from the mirror in front of him.

The witch sat back in her seat once Willinfred had disappeared. She reached up to her head and untied the ribbon keeping the mist in place, letting it flow down her head and over the back of the chair. She sighed as she ran her hand through the mist acting as her hair.

She laughed to herself as she looked into the reflection in the mirror. "I really should not like being called Miss." she pursed her lips before placing her hands on the vanity in front of her and hoisting herself out of her chair. "right, wishing star. Let's hope the newlyweds enjoy it. It was about time the star of the sky got married."

The witch left her bedroom and went through the side door into her laboratory, perhaps the fumes were getting to her already.

what's wrong with a little competition? (Hecate Hardbroom X OC) Where stories live. Discover now