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I was laying in my bed watching H2O Mermaids eating some candy when I heard my door open I looked in saw a lil kid walk in my room

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I was laying in my bed watching H2O Mermaids eating some candy when I heard my door open I looked in saw a lil kid walk in my room

Bru who lil demon is this in why is it in my room. The lil demon walked up to me then stuck its hand out for some of my candy

I mugged it and said " No Nigga shoo, shoo" and moved my hand tryin to make it leave after a while I picked it up in went down stairs to take it to its owner.

" Who white baby is this" I said with the baby in my hands. I looked around the room in saw that's my brother in all his friends was in there and a white girl that's looked around our age.

" Idk but I no it ain't mines", my brother Tray Tray said.

The white girl mugged him then said " This is yo baby look he look just like you"

All of us looked at the baby then looked at Tray Tray . Then look at her like this

"Nawlll that baby don't look like big Bru at all" I said in everybody nodded agreeing

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"Nawlll that baby don't look like big Bru at all" I said in everybody nodded agreeing.

"Bitch stfu" she said.

"Not to much on that bitch word before I slap tf out of u" I said muggin her I don't no why people be tryin to test my gangsta.

She mugged me then said " Give me my baby" then gone try to snatch it out of my hand in it fell in started cryin.

"See you ain't have to do all that" i said in picked up the baby in gave it to her " Here it'll be ok it'll probably be a lil slow when it grow up though"

After that I walked to the kitchen to find me some to eat but like always it wasn't nun in there. So I went back in the living room.

And y'all why the girl was still in there with that baby . Like girl if anything that's baby dad name John or Andrew what's some mo white names ohhh or bob.

I went to sent on the couch by my big brother and lead and head on him and ask "Can u get me food please you my favorite big brother".

"I'm yo only brother" he mugged.

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