Chapter 6:

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Len's POV:

   Same guy. Two sightings. Both times with a creepy smile and that sketchy camera. Both times before he left he took a picture of us. Coincidence? I think not.

Hell yeah, this means something wicked sketch is going on. If something sketchy is going on, that means somebody's got to deal with it. If somebody's got to deal with it, it's going to be me. Step one is don't tell my dad unless I want him to take charge.

I walked Miku to her house shortly after the weird camera kid left. He mom was waiting in the doorway as usual, all smiles.
"Did you too have fun at work?" She beamed.

"Yeah." Miku lied. I nodded.

"Wonderful! Why don't you come in, Len? I have aa tray of cookies cooling. Grocery store bought dough so they'll actually taste alright."

I smiled apologetically. "No thanks, Mrs. Hatsune. I have to head home before my mom starts waiting in the doorway."

Miku's mom laughed and nodded. "We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"Bye, Len." Miku hugged me. "Thanks for today."

"No problem-" I ran off so they wouldn't see my face go red. It's so embarrassing, and Miku would definitely tease me about it later. I just can't help it when she's actually herself. The tough girl act is somewhat attractive, but I just absolutely love her when she's all sweet and caring. I really need to think up something better than just an average coffee...

   I walked home with my hands stuffed in my pockets and my thoughts back in that coffee shop and amusement park. Both times I had noticed the kid before Miku. Could he possibly be a Kamen agent? It's almost more than likely. Am I overthinking this?'s almost impossible to overthink this kind of thing when you're a spy

As I rounded a corner I caught sight of a florescent colored shirt ducking into an alley. Pretty damn suspicious isn't it? I immediately crossed the street and slipped on a pair of reflective sunglasses. By reflective, I mean they had mirrors on the side.
Pretending to be looking into whatever shop window, I watched as the camera kid handed his camera to someone else. It was hard to really see from the distance, but they were wearing a red jacket. They did whatever business they had in mind, and parted ways.

I left too, it was starting to get dangerously close to curfew. Once home, I hurried straight up to my room and pulled out my phone.

Len: Hey, you'll never guess who I saw on my way home.
Miku: Hmm...Mikuo?
Len: Nah, a new friend of ours.
Miku: Oh. 
Miku: What happened?
Len: He met with some guy in an alley. The guy was wearing a red coat.
Len: Think it could be Meito?
Miku: I mean, a lot of people can wear a red coat...maybe???
Len: I'm sensing a mission~
Miku: Lol, thank goodness. I was getting bored.

   "LEN!" Rin exclaimed throwing open my door and giving me a heart attack. 

"What the fuuuuuuu...dge...Seriously Rin?!" I cried, dropping my phone.

"Ooh, who are you texting?" The nosy girl asked with a grin.

"Buzz off."

"Oooooooh, so Miku~???"

"I said buzz off. What do you want?"

"Oh, dad just has something to tell us." She shrugged.

I sighed. "Of course he does."

Rin ran back downstairs with me following, or more accurately trudging, behind her. Dad was standing in the family room. Ominous...he only does that when we're getting a really bad lecture, or something crazy happened.

"Okaaay! What's the news?!" Rin asked with more excitement than I could possibly muster.

"What's up?"

My dad turned and looked at us. "Well, it appears we're moving away."

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