Chapter 8:

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Miku's POV:

   I sat on the end of my bed, staring down the broken doll that had recently come into my possession. The Kagamines had left the other day, and I already felt so empty inside. I glanced at the clock. It had been less than five minutes since I last called Len...I can't call him for a while or I'll seem all clingy and obnoxious. Instead I sat for what felt like hours to try and let time pass so I could text or call either of them.
   After a while I checked the time again, it had only been three minutes. 

"I'm going to die!" I wailed and fell back dramatically. In response, my alarm clock progressed a minute.

'You aren't going to die, you little crybaby. You'll be fine.'

Of course I'll be fine. I'll end up getting used to it, I'm adaptable...but I don't want to have to get used to being lonely again. 

'Now you're being selfish and inconsiderate. You have your parents back and your brother and that isn't enough for you?'

I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow. Why can't I just be satisfied with what I have? Is it really that selfish to want to see my friends...?

'Just let them be, moron. Wait for them to call. If they don't well...then maybe they don't want to see you.'

"Shut up..." I mumbled aloud. Although internally I agreed with myself. It was a better, less clingy, idea to wait for them to call me.

Immediately my phone started buzzing. I launched up and grabbed it, glancing at caller ID before lifting the device to my ear.
"Hi Len."

"Hi Miku." Came his familiar voice from the other end, bringing so much comfort and relief with it.

"What's up-?"

"Nothing much."

"Not since I hung up five minutes ago?" I prodded teasingly.


"Okay," I laughed, "...are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just...miss you."

"I miss you too. I kept starting to text you and changing my mind."

Len laughed softly. "I know, I saw the little message bubble keep popping up and I was hoping you'd text. So I called when you didn't. 

I felt myself brighten up. "Awww."

We continued talking for another hour before he had to go help with boxes. Stupid, I know, but the second call really did make me feel so much better. Most likely because I'm the one that didn't initiate the contact this time, so I didn't feel as clingy. 

I looked at the clock again. This time it had advanced quite a bit. I skipped downstairs and grabbed a quick lunch before heading to the agency to kick some VR butt. Thankfully I got there quickly, without anything particularly sketchy happening. Mr. Kagamine's a total jerk for doing this to me right as I got friends. They just had to move. Well I guess it isn't really his fault, but it feels good to have somebody to blame...
It's probably not healthy though...

After I got my rage out on the computer programming, I hurried to McChicken so I wouldn't be late for my shift. Tei was waiting by the door staring at her watch. I bet she was just praying for a chance to chew me up about being late again. Well not today. 

"Hey boss. I'm on time." I smiled innocently.

"Tch. Your hair is falling out of your ponytail. Fix it." She turned on her heel and stormed off.

   A triumphant grin on my face, I fixed my ponytail and set to work. I'm glad I have a job, it really distracted me from how lonely I was for a few hours. At the end of my shift I grabbed my employee meal and headed home satisfied with the day. All of the customers had seemed so nice for once. Good thing too because if I had had a meaner one I probably would have cried.
Ia even stopped by to chat. I had been a while since I've seen her. She's fully retired from spy work like my parents and comes over for dinner every now and then but other than that there's minimal contact.

I wonder what a reasonable amount of time before I go invade the Kagamine's new home would be. A few weeks? Days?

(Hello friends, author here. Sorry about the chapters being so short-
I know I've complained like this multiple times but I really don't have a plot for this book-
-Obviously an amateur author) 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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