Class time

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When it's finally time to get back to class, you and the others head to your lockers. You all head to class together and sit down. You and Rantaro are sitting next to each other. You still cant help but feel something around him, you feel funny. You brush it off and focus back on the teacher.

The teacher suddenly speaks up about a group assessment that needs to be done. Although due to the class number one person either had to work alone or in a group of three. A small boy, Ryoma Hoshi if you remember correctly, raises his hand to take the offer of working alone. After that was done, the teacher did a random pick for groups:

Kokichi and Korekiyo (oof)

Himiko and Kirumi

Tenko and Tsumugi

Kiibo and Angie

Gonta and Maki

Kaede and Miu

Shuichi and Kaito

And finally, You and Rantaro.

You and Rantaro. Atleast its someone who you know, you were kinda hoping you didnt end up with Korekiyo or someone like that (I'm sorry Kiyo i love youuuuu). You went through the rest of your class time before the bell went for the end of the day.

While you left the school with Shuichi, you hear someone yelling your name. Both of you turn to see Rantaro running towards you.

"Hey! Y/n! Shuichi!"

You and Shuichi both turn in his direction
"Yeah Rantaro?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"I was just gonna ask, for your number, so that I can message you about the project."
Ohhhhhh, makes sense.
"Oh, sure, hand me your phone."

He hands his phone to you, and you quickly type in your number, plus take a picture of yourself to put as the profile picture, and hand it back to him

"Thanks Y/n."
"No problem."

And you go your separate ways.

✨Time skip✨

You had gotten home around half an hour ago and you were know laying on your bed playing games on your phone. You suddenly had a message pop up on your phone.

'Hey Y/n. It's Rantaro. Just
Wanted to message you so
That you have my number.'

'Oh hey Rantaro.'

'So I was wondering, when
should we meet up for the
project? We should start as
soon as possible.'

                                             'Maybe we could          meet up tomorrow?
At the library or either
of our houses perhaps?'

'That sounds good. Let's
Figure out the rest of the
details tomorrow, okay?
For now just get some

    'I'll do that. Goodnight Rantaro.'

'Goodnight Y/N.'


(For the love of everything I hated typing that)
A/N: IM SORRY I DIDNT GET IT DONE EARLIER. I honestly had no idea how to write this so it got published later. It's also just been in my drafts for months. ( that was written ages ago. It's now about to be the third of January. Curse procrastination.) also I'm hoping the formatting of the texting is working for anyone who reads this.
497 words

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