Chapter 5 - A good beginning makes a good ending

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~Another day, another adventure, in fact, everyday is an adventure, everyone has awoken from their slumber while Sky is still sleeping

"Wake sleepy head!" Ikken shouted as he pulls Sky out of bed

"Oh good morning!" Sky greeted, he yawned and stretched his arms while trying to stand lazily

"Idiot, its already near noon! You've been sleeping all day! Ksk" Ikken exclaimed, he felt annoyed

"Yeah yeah I'm getting up" Sky replied nonchalantly

"I'm hungry" Zael started to complain

"You're always hungry" Sonya says

"Its not my fault!" Zael exclaimed

"You should discipline your tummy you know" Sonya said sarcastically, but Sonya's tummy suddenly started to grumble and her face turned red feeling embarrassed, Zael just stared

"D-dont look at me like that!" Sonya exclaimed as she look away, Zael chuckled

"Now, now, you two should stop fighting and we should get something to eat" Terence said calmly

"Were going fishing" Ikken suggested

"Awesome!" Sky said, he got his game face on, the team now left and thanked the innkeeper, they went to a riverside to go fishing

"Who has the biggest catch wins!" Sky reprehended

"Bring it!" Ikkenn accepted the challenge and they started to fish right away

"Those two are always energetic don't you think?" Terence said kindly to Sonya and Zael

"Those two are really close" Sonya replied

"They are twin brothers after all" Zael said

"Alright, let's start fishing too, we can't be left behind by those two" Terence said

"Okay!" Sonya and Zael agreed, Zael and Terence started to throw their baits, while Sonya was clueless on what to do

"Is there something wrong? Zael asked

"U-uhm I don't know how to fish" Sonya said shyly

"Oh, leave it to me! I'll teach you!" Zael said energetically

"Really?" Sonya asked

"Yup! I'm an expert! First you should go whooosh! Then a splash! And then when something goes chomp chomp! You should go whoosh here and a kaboom there! And that's how you catch a fish!" Zael said confidentially, Sonya and Terence just got confused

"Uhm, I don't actually understand what are you saying" Sonya honestly replied, Terence and Zael collapsed

"Eh? I thought I really explained it very well though" Zael said disappointedly as he scratches the back of his head

"Ill teach you" Terence said, "First you put the bait onto your hook so fishes will attract, then we throw it at some distance just like this, then when you got a bite, reel it in right away!" Terence said as he demonstrated and caught a fish

"That's amazing!" Sonya said

"Oh you're so good at this Terence" Zael complimented

"Thank you, now you try Sonya" Terence says

"O-ok!" Sonya started to throw the bait, after a few seconds, she got a bite "I think I got something!" Sonya exclaimed

"Quick pull it in!" Terence said, Sonya tried to pull but the fish struggled harder and Sonya was being pulled

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