Troubled Star

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Chapter 3
Troubled Star


"Watch where you're going," a snarky voice breaths down on me. Turns out, when I straighten myself out, the speaker is about a foot shorter than me. Their unwelcoming snarl doesn't really prove to be threatening.

Then they stop. They analyze me, before flushing red in the face. "Oh, it's you, Chiaki. Mahiru has told me all about you," she pauses, still looking embarrassed. "Sorry. I thought you were some rude, stagnant pig who bumps into children on purpose."

"It's fine, Hiyoko," I say, not really accepting her apology.

She leaves in a hurry, her geta shoes clanking loudly against the tile. I would've mentioned that she has a piece of cake stuck onto the bottom of her kimono, but I decide against.

I end up at my locker. The contents inside were boring — I mean, who keeps pictures of video games taped up in there and nothing else? The only things besides my personal decorations was the textbooks and the dull color of pink, the main body of the locker.

It's when I'm taking my math book out when I feel another push against the shoulder. Gosh, can't people see? I slowly shove the book into my backpack before I turn to face around, seeing the least expected person I expected.


Of course, I try to play it off. "Are you alright? Is your shoulder okay?" I frantically ask him, and he looks at me, confused.

"Sorry. I was trying to get your attention. Are you okay?"

I nod my head. "How can I help you?"

"Oh, I don't need your help."

As he says this, he hands me a large, neon colored paper. It read,


Birthday Party, January 1st
You're invited, please come — free of your choice. (´-﹏-';)
Good day to you!


Hajime Hinata.


My mouth gapes open, a failed attempt at concealing my shock. Hajime just invited me to his birthday party. I didn't even know it was his birthday!

"Happy birthday," a small mumble escaping from my lips.

He turns around, taking his leave soon after his small, unannounced arrival. "Thank you, Chiaki. "

He leaves at that.

I, on the other hand, am thinking about a hundred outcomes of how the party could go, standing rooted to the floor even when the bell has rang.


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