Hollow Meets Creed

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Wyatt Was Just Relaxing with Lily And Rose Until he Heard Something happening in the City and Goes To Investigate and what he Sees is Union Bothering a person with a hoodie To join Them Despite him Say No.


??:I don't Want to,and Like My Old Man,I Like To live Dangerously.

Blake:It's Because There's faunas,There isn't it?

The Hooded Guy Revealed to them His Scorpion Tail and Showed that he Himself is A Faunas.

??:Bitch,I AM A faunas,A Scorpion Faunas At that,So Let me Say This,Fuck you,Fuck your School,Fuck your Teachers And Fuck your Students And The City Of Union?It's In the USA,It's Motherfucking America!

The Guy Walks Away but Shows Off His Weapons,Two Guns and A Katana.

The Guy Walks Away but Shows Off His Weapons,Two Guns and A Katana

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With his Weapon Out,He Points It At Issei's Head And pulls the trigger,Killing Issei And He Walks Away

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With his Weapon Out,He Points It At Issei's Head And pulls the trigger,Killing Issei And He Walks Away.

Wyatt Goes to meet the guy And Asks Him a Simple Question About his Motives.

Wyatt:Why did you kill him?I Mean,I Hate the guy but that Was Straight up Murder!

Wyatt Is Only Saying this For Two Reasons And Those Are That Murder Is Illegal And if He Did it,Should Only be Done On Lowlife Criminals Like Jacques And The Other Reason.....He wanted to do that.

??:Well...It's Simple As Sometimes,We Have to be Bad to do good.....Plus I Hate Perverts And Bullies And He Was Both of those things.

Wyatt:Fair,Um....I'm Wyatt.

??:I Know That,Your My Uncle Will's Son.

Wyatt Froze For A Sec And Rebooted Like A Bot And Had to be Sure He heard that Right.

Wyatt:I'm Sorry,What did you call My Dad?More importantly,How do you know his Name.

??:Uncle Will's Name?It's Easy Because My Dad Knows Him.

Wyatt:And Your Dad is......?

??:The Resemblance Should Help.

The Person Removes His Hoodie to Reveal Skin like Wyatt's Uncle Tempest And The person Also had Green eyes.

The Person Removes His Hoodie to Reveal Skin like Wyatt's Uncle Tempest And The person Also had Green eyes

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Wyatt,After,Seeing his Face Realized That This Guy Is The Son of His Uncle Tempest!

Wyatt:'Huh,I Guess Uncle Tempest Can be A Good Father but than again,he'd Probably Be Burned Alive by a Certain Fire Master,If he Did't'Well,What's Your Name?

Luke:I'm Luke,Luke Creed.

Wyatt:Wait Wait Wait!uncle Tempest's  Last Name Is Creed?HAHAHA

Wyatt Laughed So Hard That he Was Bleeding As It felt Ironic That tempest The guy Who is A black Market dealer Has That For A last Name.

Luke:Well,I like it And It's Not Long.

Wyatt Stopped Laughing And Glared At luke And Said This to him.

Wyatt:It's My MOTHER'S Last Name.

Luke:Wasn't She Called A Crazy Sex Maniac because That My Dad Said She's Gonna Rip Uncle Will's-


Wyatt looked Annoyed While Luke Gave A Smile that Reminded Him Of Uncle Tempest Until.......

Wyatt:I Feel Like You And I Are Gonna Get Along,Just fine.

Luke:Just Like our Dads.....Oh By The Way,I Took Your Cookies & Cream Ice Cream.

Wyatt Saw that Luke Was Indeed eating his Ice Cream And Gained A Dark Aura Around His Body as he Said This And manifested a Machine Gun.


Wyatt Began Chasing Luke Around For What he Did As Luke Just Laughed And Said that it's Hilarious to Piss Off Wyatt.

~Zeta Prime~

The Mothers Of the Boys Were Relaxing While Having Tea And Have Seen Their Conversation as well as what They're doing now.

Echo:Just Like Their Dads,Right Cinder?

Cinder:Yep,Luke Acts Just Like Tempest.

Echo Chuckles As She looks Back down At Wyatt STILL chasing Luke.

Echo:And My Baby Wyatt,he's Just Like Will In Being A Unique Kind of Being Plus,He already made Me and Will grandparents.

Cinder:I know,I'm Happy for Wyatt Having a Kid.

Echo:And Who knows?Maybe If Luke doesn't Have Tempest Stupidity,You And Him Could become Grandparents As Well.

Cinder Looked Around for Tempest But Couldn't See Him Nor Will.

Cinder:Where is He,Anyway?And Same Goes to will,you and him Rarely leave each other's Sights.



Tempest:It's How I Am Cause I Live Dangerously,Boy......Plus It's Funny Seeing You Try to Shoot Me.

Will:*Scream Of Pure Unyielding Rage*

Will begins Shooting Layers Upon Layers Of Bullets At Tempest And They All Miss Him As Will Screams And Tempest Chuckles And Like Always,He Loves His Dangerous Lifestyle.

The Wives of the Responsible Yet Irresponsible Author Gods Deadpan remember seeing Wyatt And Luke Being in the Exact Situation not long Ago and Know One thing for sure as they Look at Wyatt And luke,Thinking a Simple Yet True Sentence.

Echo & Cinder:'the Boys Are Just Like Their Fathers'

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