~An i oop-~

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~~{In the girls' lockers}~~

"Ugh. It's a pity that Deku-Kun got into a situation like this. His sweet personality, gone, just because that girl was too careless with her quirk!" Complained Ochako.

"It's not her fault. She was just training her quirk, and accidentally overused it. It happens," said Jiro

"Yeah... but she was being careless to run with the knowledge that her quirk wasn't under full control."

"Ochako, maybe it's not that bad that Midoriya turned out this way. Takahashi said that he's portraying what he truly thinks or feels or something like that. So, maybe this could be a chance to get to know him on a deeper level. Don't you think?" Said Momo.

"I guess you're right. I just hope it's nothing bad," sighed Ochako.

~~{Meanwhile, in the boys' lockers}~~

"Kacchan, your boobs are big." 'What- no. Ughhgh T^T'


"Don't get me wrong tho. They're a nice kind of big. I just thought I'd let you know. They're actually kind of like that of a woman. Say, do you get a lot of back pain? Did you know that they jiggle when you walk sometimes? You should probably get a sports bra if you plan on making them any bigger-," said Izuku, causing a few of the guys to start laughing.

"Oi! WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SPOUTING NOW, YOU DAMN NERD?!" Yelled Bakugou, slamming his locker shut. Flustered at Izuku's comment.

"Geez, no need to shout," Said Izuku closing his locker.

"Don't worry, Bakubro. Your pecs look very manly and not boob-like at all," Kirishima tried to reassure, causing the other guys to laugh harder.

"DIE, SHITTY HAIR!" Yelled Bakugo even more flustered than before.

Izuku just scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Hey, Midoriya. Why'd you just randomly start talking about Bakugo's tits?" asked Kaminari trying to calm down from laughing so hard.

"Honestly, I don't know. It was just on my mind so I decided to say it." 'Should have just kept quiet T^T'

"So, you genuinely think his pecs look like boobs?" asked Sero.

Izuku glanced at Katsuki, who was now looking at his pecs with an uncertain look on his face.

"I mean... I just think they're big but not abnormal for a guy," said Izuku.

"I mean, It's still big for a guy, isn't it?" said Sero.

"Nope. I've seen bigger. That's what she said, and I'm leaving now," said Izuku as he walked out. Leaving the others to burst into laughter once again.

~{Time skip}~

The class was now standing in the training area waiting for Eraser to give them their training for the day.

"Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki. The two of you will be the first pair to spar against each other," said Aizawa.

"I don't understand tho. I've fought this asshole many times before. Why again?!" argued Izuku.

"Because I don't-... you know what? Fine. Izuku, you're with Eijiro and Katsuki, you're with Hitoshi which leaves Sero and Tokoyami," Said Aizawa.

"Why did you address us by our first names?" Said Shinso.

"I don't know. I just felt like it," Eraser shrugged.

Everyone then went to their sparring partners and got started.

~~{ Time skip to after training}~~

"Phew! That training was crazy!" Said Denki.

"I know, right?! After we fought each other, we still had to run another 500 laps around the dorm building while fighting random obstacles!" said Sero.

"Not to mention we still had to walk there! And back!!" Added Mina.

"Also, not to mention during training, Midobro tried to kill me!" Said Kirishima.

"I'm not your 'bro', Kirishima. So stop calling me that!" Hissed Izuku. 'Shut up.'

"Why are you so hostile with him? Geez. Calm down a bit, will you?" said Katsuki

"Shut the fuck up. You have no place telling me to 'calm down', Katsuki."

"I'm just asking. What is your problem with him? The quirk you were hit with, is supposed to express what you're thinking, so I'm asking, what is your problem with Kirishima?"

"I don't have a problem with Kirishima."

"Oh, yea? Then why do you roll your eyes every single time he speaks? Every time he tries to talk to you, you either ignore him or throw an attitude. So far, even with the quirk, you haven't done that to anyone else. Only him. So, what's your problem?"

Izuku just stared at Katsuki. His heart visibly breaking through his eyes. The class went completely quiet.

"Bakugo, remember what Aiz-" Kirishima was cut off.

"You wanna know what my problem is, Katsuki... My problem is that you chose to stick up for someone that you've known for less than a year over someone you've known your whole life. I've been trying to be your friend for years, and still can't get it right. Then all of a sudden he comes along and It's like he's your bestest friend in the world. And don't get it wrong... it was never him I had a problem with. It's knowing that I will never be good enough for you to look at me the way you look at him. It's knowing that you see him closer to an equal, while I will never be anything but a 'Deku' to you," said Izuku. Tears ran down his face as everyone just sat in silence.

"Alright. Everyone back to your seats. Sorry for being late. I had some matters to attend to. Let's get started shall we..," said the teacher as he entered the classroom. "Did something happen?"

"Continue the class as normal, sir. We'll handle the situation at a more appropriate time," said Iida, knowing that Izuku needed some time to calm down.

"A- alright...".

~{ To be continued }~

Drama~~ Hope you enjoyed :} Please let me know if there's anything that I can do to make the story better. Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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