Chapter 6

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So... I forgot to mention this but today is my birthday. Yeah, I'm turning 18. Usually when its my birthday only me and my mom celebrate it 'cause you know I don't have friends. We also have this routine every time its my birthday where I come down, she surprises me, brings out the cake then I blow it. Believe me I love my mom but this really takes out the surprise in it. I mean, we do this every year it does usually take out the surprise if you think about it. Enough thinking Emily!

"Happy Birthday!" my mom surprised me when I got on the bottom steps. I just faked being surprised so she would be happy. I hugged her and thanked her then she lead me to the cake. I blew the candles - not really wishing for something - then I cut myself a share.

"I need to tell you something," mom said while looking down at her hands.

"Okay," I looked at her confused.

"I promised myself not to tell you this but you need to know," I was starting to get nervous now.

"Mom, what is it?"

"Emily... you're adopted," she finally looked up.

"W-what?" I asked weakly. "W-w-why didn't you tell me this earlier!? Why now?" I was really starting to hyperventilate.

"I didn't think about it when you were still a child but then I saw how grown up your becoming and you deserve to know the truth," she was still looking at me sadly.

"I get it mom, I really do but it still doesn't justify the fact that you still lied to me. All this years!" she flinched at my tone. I felt bad about yelling at her so I took a breath and lowered my voice. "Who's my real parents?"

"I-I don't know, I didn't see their face," she said shakily.

"What?" I was still confused.

"Eighteen years ago..."


Caitlyn's POV:

I was cooking dinner for me and my husband when I heard a sharp knock on the door. "Who do you think it is?" asked Harry, my husband.

"I don't know but can you check it out please. The food's gonna burn if I leave it," I asked him sweetly.

"Sure," he said then I heard the door open and a baby's cry. I put the food in a plate and approached him and the baby.

"Is there note?" I asked.

"No," he said.

"Didn't you see anyone setting her down?" I looked at the sleeping baby in the basket.

"No I didn't see anyone," he said honestly then asked excitedly, "Will we adopt her?"

"Is it okay with you?"

"Hell yeah!" I laughed at his enthusiasm. "What are we gonna name her?"

"We can name her Emily Rodriguez," I suggested.

"Hmm, Emily Rodriguez. I like that," he smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

~End of Flashback~

"Where's Harry now?" I asked.

"He left me a few months after we got you," she muttered silently.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you and for everything," I looked at her regretfully.

"Why are you apologizing? I should be the one that's doing that."

"Harry left you because of me," I looked down.

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