Lesson One: Shards

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A patchwork cloak swayed around a figure's feet as their muddied boots carried them through the undergrowth of the lush forest. It had been, what, a year since they'd last seen their friends? It felt like centuries.

The figure's curly black hair mixed with the dark shadow reaching across their face, only their dull eyes and mouth visible as they walked past the hanging vines and murky streams. The faded maroon of their clothing stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the shrubbery, but they were safe- for now, at least.

He was taking a risk traveling through such a long stretch of land without a light source, but what did he have to lose? Besides, he'd already come so far- the Chynekkin Mountains where he'd started were all the way on the other side of the region, now. However, leaving them was mandatory to keep on light's path. And so, he pushed forward.

Tbh was a traveler, antsy to move and never in one place for too long. After the light had faded from his eyes and shadows replaced them, he'd decided it was time to leave home- leave those he'd stuck with. Of course, not forever, as was being proven now.

Tbh was hoping he'd have found a shard merchant by now- not that he was trying to avoid returning home- but they'd all seem to disappear, forcing him forward to his destination. Karmiki City was the largest manufacturer of shards, having grown to be what one might consider an empire because of it. The amber-like shards were necessary to stay alive, so having such an enormous shard mine like they did had brought it to be the biggest power of the region.

Of course, that was the reason Tbh was traveling such a far distance. He didn't have a shard. You know, the thing that literally keeps the shadows at bay? He'd needed to stick close to the lights of villages and others' shards, no one willing to offer one. How could they, when no one seemed to have any to spare? A strange sight, with how close he was getting to Karmiki, but he didn't question it. Would he give a shard to a suspicious stranger in a cloak even if he had one to spare?

Tbh was pulled from his thoughts as a yelp of alarm rang out close by, tensing up as loud rustling pursued the sound. Had the person gotten too close to the shadows? They'd sounded quite young, and after a quick pause, no noise indicated there was a guardian nearby. Worried and somewhat on edge, Tbh slowly walked off the path he'd been on, heading in the direction of the shout.

As expected when Tbh peaked around a thick swath of lichen, a child was flailing around in the lush forest. What wasn't expected was the fact that they'd manage to get themselves tangled within glow berry vines. Pointy ears were flicking around and sharpened canines were being bared at the plant, quite pathetically. A small pair of bat-like wings- much too small to carry the minor- were desperately flapping against what looked like a scuffed up school uniform as the child further entangled themselves within the vines.

Tbh had to hold back a laugh as he watched them struggle, tilting his head to the side with a smirk. With that, he let the lichen he'd been pulling back swing into place behind him, stepping forward as he called out, "Need a little help?"

The kid stopped struggling, visibly tensing as they whipped their head in Tbh's direction, glowing yellow eyes wide with fear that faded into embarrassment and anger.

"No! Of course not! Why would I need help from the likes of you, jefuxét emél... emél-"


"Yeah, 'emélisx'," the kid said with a heavy accent, clearly not fluent with Karminian. A standard speaker, then.

Tbh stood there for a moment as the kid went back to struggling, wincing as the bat tied himself further and further into the berry vines. He gave one last struggle before letting out a groan, looking over at Tbh again warily.

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